The combined degrees program of Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours)/Bachelor of International Relations requires the completion of a minimum of 198 units of study and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of International Relations a minimum of 198 units.

For admission to the program, students must apply for admission to Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) combined degrees through SATAC.

Eligible students who decide to take up the combined degrees program in a subsequent year will be required to apply through SATAC, or via internal university transfer, for admission to the Bachelor of International Relations.

Students enrolled in a combined degree program must complete the full program specified within the combined program for each degree before they can graduate with either award.

Students who commence, but subsequently do not wish to complete, the combined degrees program may be eligible to transfer to either the Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) or Bachelor of International Relations and to receive credit for some, or all, of the topics already completed.

Program of Study

To qualify for the combined degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours)/Bachelor of International Relations a student must complete the following program of study with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic:

  • a Law component of 135 units for the Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) which consists of 90 units of core topics, 22.5 units of Legal Practice Training, 9 units of option topics, and 13.5 units of dissertation or 135 units for the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) which consists of 90 units of core topics, 22.5 units of Year 4 Option topics, 9 units of Year 3 Option topics, and 13.5 units of dissertation. [see Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) or Bachelor of Laws (Honours) entry for further information];
  • an International Relations component of at least 63 units.

Bachelor of International Relations component

To qualify for the Bachelor of International Relations a student must complete 63 units with a grade of P or better or NGP in each topic. This must include:

Year 1 topics

4.5 units of core topics:
INTR1006  International Relations: An Introduction  (4.5 units)

4.5 units chosen from:
AMST1002  America and the World: The United States in a Global Context  (4.5 units)
INTR1101 Discovering Asia  (4.5 units)

4.5 units chosen from:
HIST1803  'The Lucky Country'? Australia and the World since 1939  (4.5 units)
INTR1102  Modern Asia since 1945  (4.5 units)

Year 2 topics

13.5 units of core topics:
INTR2003  The Asia-Pacific in the 20th Century  (4.5 units)
INTR2006  Debating Human Rights  (4.5 units)
INTR2015  New Security Agenda  (4.5 units)

4.5 units chosen from the following:
HIST2014  War and Society in the Modern World  (4.5 units)
HIST2016  Globalisation in World History (4.5 units)

9 units chosen from the following:
AMST2001  Twentieth Century America  (4.5 units)
AMST2002  American Politics  (4.5 units)*
HIST2009  Nazi Germany: It's Origins and Nature, 1870-1945 (4.5 units)
HIST2030  The Great Powers and the Origins of the Modern Middle East (4.5 units)
HIST2043  Terrorism and Society in Modern Europe(4.5 units)
INTR2005  The Next Superpower? The Rise of China in the 21st Century  (4.5 units)
INTR2008  Africa on a Global Stage  (4.5 units)
INTR2012  Food Security (4.5 units)
INTR2100  Reimaging the Global South (4.5 units)
INTR2101  Democracy and Human Rights in Asia  (4.5 units)

* Note that students who wish to qualify and apply for the Washington Internship must select AMST2002

Year 3 topics

9 units of core topics:
INTR3104  Global Workplace (4.5 units)
INTR3102  Controversies in International Relations  (4.5 units)

13.5 units chosen from the following:
AMST3013  The Alliance and the Rise of China  (4.5 units)
AMST3016  Internship Program: Washington DC  (9 units)*
HIST3004  The Fall of Britannia's Empire and the Postcolonial Experience  (4.5 units)
INTR3001  Australian Foreign Policy  (4.5 units)
INTR3003  Africa: International Interventions  (4.5 units)
INTR3006  The Rise of the Indo-Pacific  (4.5 units)
INTR3100  Environment and Development in Asia (4.5 units)
INTR3101  Politics, Identity and International Relations  (4.5 units)
INTR3103  International Practicum (4.5 units)*

* Note that students cannot take both INTR3103 International Practicum and AMST3016 in this combined degree program.