The Bachelor of Laws (Honours) requires four years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). It is only available as an exit award for students who are enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) and who do not wish to undertake the Practical Legal Training component. The course is offered by the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law. Students who complete this exit award cannot be admitted to Legal Practice without completing further practical legal training.

Course aims

The course aims to:

  • provide students with a sound training in law and legal skills
  • emphasise the acquisition of foundation legal skills through the integration of skills training with the teaching of substantive subjects
  • instil in students a desire for just outcomes, a broad outlook on law and a commitment to ethical conduct
  • develop the capacity to engage deeply and critically with legal knowledge
  • provide students with a sound training in high level academic research and writing skills

Learning outcomes

At the completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate:

  • an extensive, well-founded and advanced knowledge of key areas of current Australian law, including new and developing areas
  • the ability to find, interpret, understand and critique Australian law within its historical and comparative contexts, using effective learning strategies and appropriate methods, including both recent and traditional technologies
  • the ability to use their knowledge to plan, analyse and think critically, logically and creatively, including by reflecting upon and evaluating facts, ideas, options and resolutions to disputes and debates, and considering the requirements of procedural and jurisdictional contexts
  • the capacity to use plain English vocabulary, legal terminology and conventions as appropriate to the situation, to convey their knowledge, reasoning and decisions in a clear and fluent manner
  • the capacity to listen well and respond constructively in written and spoken formats as they apply skills of oral advocacy, persuasion, interviewing, negotiation, argument and counter-argument, as appropriate to particular audiences and settings
  • professionalism and self-reliance in their learning and their work within legal contexts, including skills and attributes such as initiative, goal setting, organising activities, prioritising tasks and managing time productively
  • the capacity for, and a commitment to, lifelong learning: recognising that the world is dynamic and changing and therefore being prepared constantly to review, update and adapt their knowledge and skills
  • the willingness and ability to exercise intellectual independence and take responsibility for their decisions and actions and to operate effectively within any relevant contextual framework
  • the capacity to interact effectively with others in a variety of settings, including, where appropriate, working cooperatively and productively towards a common outcome as a team member and leader. This also includes group dynamics, showing respect for others and for their ideas and perspectives and learning to negotiate and resolve conflict or difficulties in a constructive manner
  • awareness of the philosophy and the social and global contexts of law, and willingness to uphold their community responsibility to advocate for justice and to act with integrity in all matters in their professional work and personal lives. As potential officers of the court, they must learn and apply ethical standards applicable to the legal profession and the practice of law, and to show understanding of the complexity of ethical issues and debates, applying relevant decision-making models to arrive at ethical solutions to problems and taking responsibility for their actions
  • the capacity to recognise the colonial and immigrant context of Australian law and the practice of law, and to engage positively with people and ideas beyond the limit of their own geographical, disciplinary, social and cultural background, including by synthesising ideas and principles across various legal doctrinal areas; critically analysing and taking appropriate action in complex global and cultural contexts; and forging constructive links between the world of study and the world of work
  • the capacity to engage in significant academic research and writing which has been planned and executed with a degree of independence and which, with an awareness of the academic process for the development of ideas, will better equip students for postgraduate studies.


Credit may be granted for topics taken at other institutions. However, except in exceptional circumstances approved by the Faculty Board, a majority of units towards the degree must be obtained from topics offered by Flinders University.

Program of study

To qualify for the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) a student must complete 144 units with a grade of P or NGP or better in each topic, comprising 90 units of compulsory topics, 40.5 units of option topics and a 13.5 unit dissertation topic, as set out below.

All students must complete at least one option topic that has been designated by the Faculty Board as an international/comparative option; and at least one option topic that has been designated by the Faculty Board as an Indigenous/Social Justice option.#

Option topics may be taken from topics not offered or cross-listed by the School of Law only with the written permission of the Faculty Board. Under no circumstances will permission be given to take topics where entry and course requirements are not met, or the Faculty Board has designated them as unacceptable.

The award of a grade of Fail (F) on more than one occasion in the same topic, which may include attempts of the same topic undertaken in other awards, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

Not all option topics are necessarily available in a given year.

The Faculty Board may specify that two or more topics represent unacceptable combinations.

Core - Year 1 topics

 LLAW1211  Legal Research and Writing [Research I, Writing I]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1212  Criminal Law and Legal Method [Statutory Interpretation I]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1213  Introduction to Public Law [Group Work]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1214  Contract  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1221  Professional Skills and Ethics [Ethics I]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1222  Issues in Criminal Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1223  Torts 1  (4.5 units)
 LLAW1224  Advanced Contract [Writing II]  (4.5 units)

Core - Year 2 topics

 LLAW2211  Torts 2 [Interviewing]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2212  The Constitution and the Australian Federation [International / Comparative I]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2213  Administrative Law 1: Judicial Review [Statutory Interpretation II]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2214  Property, Equity and Trusts  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2221  The Constitution and the Australian People [Indigenous / Social Justice I]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2222  The History of Legal Ideas [Research II]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2223  Administrative Law: Merits Review  (4.5 units)
 LLAW2224  Corporate Law 1 [Drafting]  (4.5 units)

Core - Year 3 topics

 LLAW3211  Corporate Law 2 [Ethics II]  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3212  Civil Litigation  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3221  Real Property Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3223  Evidence  (4.5 units)

Plus 18 units of option topics selected from the list of Year 3 option topics below.

Core - Year 4 topics

 LLAW7100A  Dissertation (Part 1) (4.5 units)#
 LLAW7100B  Dissertation (Part 2) (4.5 units)#
 LLAW7100C  Dissertation (Part 3) (4.5 units)#

Plus 22.5 units of option topics selected from the list of Year 4 option topics below.

# Pre-2015 students are only required to complete a 9-unit Dissertation and should enrol in LLAW7200 Dissertation (9 units) and complete an addisional 4.5 units of Year 4 option topics.

Options - Year 3 topics

Not all topics are necessarily available in a given year.

Students select a total of 18 units of options.

#Students must select 4.5 units of International/Comparative [IC] options from:

 LLAW3236  Conflict of Laws  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3239  Defamation Law and Policy  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3245  Immigration and Refugee Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3248  International Criminal Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3249  International Humanitarian Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3250  International Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3251  The International Protection of Human Rights  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3252  International Trade Law and Development  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3261  Selected Issues in Human Rights  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3262  Selected Issues in Media Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3270  Introduction to China's Law and Legal System (4.5 units)
 LLAW3271  Miscarriages of Justice – Australia, Canada, Britain  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3273  Mooting and International Appellate Advocacy  (4.5 units)**
 LLAW3274  Indonesia’s law and legal system: an introduction (4.5 units)**

**pending formal approval by the Faculty Board

#Students must select 4.5 units of Indigenous/Social Justice [ISJ] options from:

 LLAW3237  Consumer Protection Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3238  Current Issues in Law: Mining Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3240  Disability, Mental Health and the Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3242  Environmental Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3245  Immigration and Refugee Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3246  Indigenous Australians and the Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3253  Labour Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3254  Land Use Planning Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3256  Socio-Legal Theory  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3257  Occupational Health and Safety Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3264  Social Justice Internship  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3267  Workplace Compensation Law  (4.5 units)

Students select 9 units of options from:

 BUSN3054  Taxation Law and Practice (4.5 units)
 CRIM2201  Crime and Punishment  (4.5 units)
 CRIM2202  Policing and Law Enforcement  (4.5 units)
 CRIM3011B  Current Issues in Criminal Justice B - Organised Crime and Criminal Networks  (4.5 units)
 CRIM3203  Corporate Crime  (4.5 units)
 CRIM3301  Crime, Law and Trauma  (4.5 units)
 CRIM3302  International Criminal Justice  (4.5 units)
 CRIM3303  Psychology, Crime and the Law  (4.5 units)
 LEGL3113  Socio-Legal Research Methods  (4.5 units)
 LEGL3114  Introduction to India's Law and Legal System  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3230  Advanced Public Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3231  Australian Legal History  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3232  Banking and Finance Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3234  Commercial Equity  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3236  Conflict of Laws  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3237  Consumer Protection Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3238  Current Issues in Law: Mining Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3239  Defamation Law and Policy  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3240  Disability, Mental Health and the Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3241  Dispute Management  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3242  Environmental Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3243  Family Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3244  Health Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3245  Immigration and Refugee Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3246  Indigenous Australians and the Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3247  Intellectual Property  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3248  International Criminal Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3249  International Humanitarian Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3250  International Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3251  The International Protection of Human Rights  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3252  International Trade Law and Development  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3253  Labour Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3254  Land Use Planning Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3256  Socio-Legal Theory  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3257  Occupational Health and Safety Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3259  Remedies  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3260  Securities Regulation  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3261  Selected Issues in Human Rights  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3262  Selected Issues in Media Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3263  Selected Issues in Law: Natural Resources and Climate Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3264  Social Justice Internship  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3265  Succession  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3267  Workplace Compensation Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3268  Animal Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3269  Personal and Corporate Insolvency Law  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3270  Introduction to China's Law and Legal System (4.5 units)
 LLAW3271  Miscarriages of Justice – Australia, Canada, Britain  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3273  Mooting and International Appellate Advocacy  (4.5 units)
 LLAW3274  Indonesia’s law and legal system: an introduction (4.5 units)
 PHIL2601  Ethics for Professionals  (4.5 units)
 PHIL2608  Freedom, Law and Society  (4.5 units)
 PHIL3601  Moral Philosophy  (4.5 units)
 WMST2015  Sex, Gender and the Law  (4.5 units)

Options - Year 4 topics

Not all topics are necessarily available in a given year.

Select 22.5 units of options from the following:

BIOL7731 Evidence Evaluation (4.5 units)
LLIR9500  The Relationship between International Law and International Relations  (4.5 units)
LLIR9501  Principles of Public International Law  (4.5 units)
LLIR9502  Issues in Human Security  (4.5 units)
LLIR9503  Causes and Conduct of Conflict  (4.5 units)
LLIR9504  Cultural Politics in International Law and International Relations  (4.5 units)
LLIR9505  Post-Conflict Mechanisms in International Law and International Relations  (4.5 units)
LLIR9508  Issues in Energy and Environmental Security (4.5 units)
LLIR9510  Current Issues in International Law and International Relations (4.5 units)
LLAW9701 The Business of the Law (4.5 units)*
LLAW9702 In-house Practice (4.5 units)*
LLAW9703 Advanced Mediation (4.5 units)*
LLAW9704 Introduction to Migration Practice (4.5 units)*
LLAW9705 Insolvency Law (4.5 units)*
LLAW9706 Securities Regulation (4.5 units)*
LLAW9707 Tax Law (4.5 units)*
LLAW9708 Mergers and Acquisitions (4.5 units)*
LLAW9709 Intellectual Property Law (4.5 units)*
LLAW9710 International Trade Law (4.5 units)*
LLAW9711 Corporate Crime (4.5 units)*
LLAW9712 Banking and Finance Law (4.5 units)*

Other Honours or Masters level topics may be taken with the approval of the Honours Coordinator and, where appropriate, the Juris Doctor Coordinator.

* Juris Doctor topics