To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements for the degree in which you are enrolled:

A student may complete a major sequence of 36 units in Information Technology by completing four Year 1 topics (18 units), two Year 2 topics (9 units) and two Year 3 topics (9 units).

A student may complete a minor sequence of 31.5 units in Information Technology by completing four Year 1 topics (18 units) plus three Year 2 topics (13.5 units) listed in the program of study below.

A student may complete an extended major sequence in Information Technology by completing the prescribed major topics (36 units), plus an additional two topics (9 units) from the Year 2 or Year 3 topics listed below.

Course aims

The major has been designed to provide graduates with:

  • a foundation in both the theoretical and the practical aspects of computer science/information technology
  • an understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and a commitment to them
  • an ability to critically analyse and evaluate information and solve problems
  • an awareness of social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects of computer science and computer-based systems
  • the ability to teach information technology topics at School level, either alone or as a member of a team
  • an understanding of the need to undertake lifelong learning and the capacity to do so.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the major, students will be able to:

  • competently use the skills and knowledge acquired to developed solution to information technology problems
  • apply their skills and knowledge in a professionally responsible manner
  • communicate effectively with information technologists and the wider global community using a wide range of communication technologies
  • work professionally as an individual and in a team
  • develop computer-based solutions appropriate to the social, political, international, economic and environmental contexts in which they are applied
  • engage in the process of continuing learning needed to retain the necessary level of professional skills and knowledge in the area of information technology.

On completion of the major in information technology, students will be eligible for associate membership of the Australian Computer Society.

Program of study

The following is the program of study for a major sequence in Information Technology and should be read in conjunction with the course rule for the degree in which you are enrolled.

This major is comprised of 36 units.

Major - Information Technology

Year 1 topics

18 units comprising:

 COMP1001  Fundamentals of Computing  (4.5 units)
 COMP1101  Fundamentals of Information and Communication Technology  (4.5 units)
 COMP1102  Computer Programming 1  (4.5 units)
 COMS1001  Academic and Professional Communication  (4.5 units)

Year 2 topics 

Select 9 units from the year 2 topics listed below 

 COMP2711  Computer Programming 2  (4.5 units)
 COMP2731  Software Engineering 1  (4.5 units)
 COMP2741  Application Development  (4.5 units)
 COMP2761  Database and Conceptual Modelling  (4.5 units)
 COMP2772  Web-Based Systems Development  (4.5 units)
 COMP2781  Computer Mathematics  (4.5 units)
 ENGR2782  Computer Networks and Operating Systems (4.5 units)
 ENGR2792  Software Engineering 2  (4.5 units)

Year 3 topics

Select 9 units from the year 3 topics listed below

 BUSN3027  E-Business  (4.5 units)
 COMP3712  Computer Programming 3  (4.5 units)
 COMP3721  Enterprise Information Security  (4.5 units)
 COMP3722  Theory and Practice of Computation  (4.5 units)
 COMP3732  Enterprise Cloud Systems  (4.5 units)
 COMP3742  Intelligent Systems  (4.5 units)
 COMP3751  Interactive Computer Systems  (4.5 units)
 COMP3771  Advanced Database  (4.5 units)
 COMP3772  Computer Science Project  (4.5 units)
 ENGR3791  Software Engineering 3  (4.5 units)
 ENGR4791  Software Engineering 4  (4.5 units)


Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary), Bachelor of Health Sciences students undertake an 18 unit teaching minor consisting of: 9 units of Year 1 topics plus 9 units of Year 2 or Year 3 topics (where the entry requirements are met).