Professor Edward (Ted) Mah

Academic Status

College of Medicine and Public Health

+61 8 74219888
place Flinders Medical Centre
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Professor Mah is the Past President of APOA, an organisation encompasses 24 member countries (65,000 surgeons) within the Asia Pacific region. He is and has been Board Director for several companies and organisations. Ted provides Hand, Elbow, Shoulder and Microsurgery services in Adelaide.

Professor Mah completed Emergency Medicine and Orthopaedic surgery training in SA. He completed a research MD degree, pioneering and advocating the use of cell salvage and autologous blood for primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty. Ted completed Hand and Microsurgery training with at at the Kleinert Institute in Louisville, Kentucky before returning to Australia.

Professor Mah has been actively involved in research, training, education and administrative activities. He sits on 6 Editorial boards and is the Deputy Editor for JOS. He had been involved in Orthopaedic training in many AP countries. Ted assisted the development of hand surgery courses in India for over a decade.

As Head of Orthopaedics & Trauma Service at the Lyell McEwin Hospital for over 10 years, Professor Mah developed and expanded the orthopaedic service in the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network, servicing over a quarter of population in SA. Concurrently he was the Head of Hand & Upper Limb Service at TQEH for 17 years. Professor Mah has introduced numerous initiatives to reduce wait time and improve health services to the local community.

Professor Mah is also active within the general community in Adelaide. He is the Past President of Salisbury-Elizabeth Medical Association; Past President of the Australian Chinese Medical Association; Past Chairman of Departments of Orthopaedics in SA and Past Chairman of SA Hand Surgery Society. Professor Mah has facilitated the successful implementation of numerous Fellowship exchange programmes between AOA, Indian, ASEAN and Turkish OA’s.

Prof Mah advocates social orthopaedics, as well gender & cultural diversity in surgical training.



BM; BS.(Flinders)

M.D.(Research, Flinders)




Cert IV in Training & Assessment (TAE40116)

Honours, awards and grants

2020 Public Service Medal for Outstanding Service to Public Health in South Australia

2019 AMA(SA) Award for "Outstanding Contribution to Medicine"

2019 SA Health Award for "Enhancing Hospital Care" in partnership with Orthogeriatrics, Anaesthesia and Allied Health, NALHN)

2018 SA Minister's Innovation Award for the Allied Health Orthopaedic Substitution Clinic (in partnership with Allied Health, NALHN)

2018 Best Editor Award, Journal of Orthopaedics, SAGE Publication

2018 Honorary Life Fellow, European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics & Traumatology (EFORT)

2018 Honorary Life Member of Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTBID)

2017 Honorary Corresponding Fellow, European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic & Traumatology (EFORT)

2016 Honorary Fellow, Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA)

2006 BB Joshi Orator, Indian Society for Surgery of the Hand

2004 Emeritus Visiting Professor, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiatong University

2002 Australian Hand Surgery Society Prize

2001 Hong Kong Hand Surgery Society Scholar

1998 Western Pacific Orthopaedic Association Travelling Fellow (former name for APOA)

1997 Keith Dodridge Prize, South Australian Hand Surgery Society

1994 Ellen Price Surgical Research Award, Modbury Hospital, South Australia

1992 AO Scholarship, Tubingen, Germany.

1991 Australasian College of Emergency Medicine Prize

1991-2 Australian Commonwealth Government HECSE Scholarship

1990 &91 R.J. Bauze Prize Australian Orthopaedic Association (SA)

1990 Best Orthopaedic Research, Board of Graduate Studies, Repatriation General Hospital, South Australia

Key responsibilities

Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University of SA (

Director, North Adelaide Specialist Centre; and Calvary Orthopaedic & Hand Care Centre, Adelaide, South Australia (

Chair, Medical Advisory Committee, Adelaide Day Surgery

Chair, IMA Selection Committee, Dept of Treasury and Finance, Sout Australian Government

Board member, Minister's advisory Committee, ReturntoWork SA

Immediate Past Head, Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network, SA Health (

Inagural President, Asia Pacific Hand & Upper Limb Society (

Past President, Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (

Past Chair, Awards & Nomination Committee, APOA (

Asia Pacific Committee member, Australian Orthopaedic Assoc (

Deputy Editor, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery (

Section Editor, Mercer’s Textbook of Orthopaedics & Trauma (

Advisor to State and Commonwealth Department of Health & Wellbeing

Teaching interests

Undergraduate and post graduate Orthopaedic surgery

Expert for media contact
Public health
Available for contact via
+61 8 74219888
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Biotechnology
  • Ethics
  • Orthopaedics
  • Public health
Further information

Professor Mah may be contacted by:

Phone - +61 409 099 508 (PA)

Fax: +618 7006 0288

Postal address: 53 Gover Street, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006

Email: (PA)
