Dr Sherry Randhawa

Adjunct Academic Status

College of Science and Engineering

place Tonsley (5.15)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

I am a passionate academic with a very deep sense of commitment to developing engineering programs here at Flinders University. My strengths include:

· teaching excellence,
· curriculum development, and
· staff and community engagement.


PhD, Flinders University
Grad. Cert. in Tertiary Education, Flinders University
M.Eng (Biomedical), Flinders University
B.Eng (Computer Systems), University of Adelaide

Honours, awards and grants

College of Science and Engineering Dean (Education) Excellence in Teaching Award, 2018.

National Science Week Grant 2016 (Ellis, Parappilly, Randhawa, Burke da Silva): “Illuminating the Face of SA STEM”: $15,000.

Australian Learning & Teaching Council Citation 2011, for “teaching, supporting and inspiring students to learn, innovate and succeed as professional biomedical engineers” (for Biomedical Engineering Teaching Team)

Young Biomedical Engineer of the Year Award, Institution of Engineers Australia, 1997.

Key responsibilities

Teaching Program Director (Engineering & Design)

Teaching Specialist in Engineering

Teaching interests

I am an effective and inspirational teacher who feels strongly that quality learning can only result from a partnership with quality teaching, because teaching and learning is an interactive process. My teaching philosophy led me to develop a teaching style that motivates students to want to learn. I constantly challenge my students to think for themselves and encourage them to develop an attitude of life-long learning.

Topic coordinator
ENGR8771 Electronic Circuits GE
ENGR2731 Electronic Circuits
ENGR3701 Computer Organisation and Design
ENGR8703 Electronics GE
ENGR1201 Electronics
ENGR9781 Computer Organisation and Design GE
Topic lecturer
ENGR2731 Electronic Circuits
ENGR3701 Computer Organisation and Design
ENGR1201 Electronics
ENGR9781 Computer Organisation and Design GE
ENGR8703 Electronics GE
ENGR8771 Electronic Circuits GE
Supervisory interests
Robotic and biomedical engineering
Signal and image processing
Higher degree by research supervision
Associate supervisor: Image Processing (1), Biomedical engineering (4)
Expert for media contact
Engineering - Biomedical
Engineering - Computer Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Systems Engineering
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Engineering - Biomedical
  • Engineering - Computer Systems
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Computer Systems Engineering