Associate Professor Graziela Miot da Silva

Associate Professor

College of Science and Engineering

place Earth Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I am a coastal geomorphologist/oceanographer with a BSc in Oceanography from the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Brazil, and a Masters Degree and Ph.D. in Marine Geology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. I have joined the School of Environment (College of Science and Engineering) at Flinders University in 2013 after a visiting position at the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Louisiana State University (LSU). I have extensively worked on barrier systems in Southern Brazil and conducted research on surfzone dynamics and sediment transport, beach morphodynamics and sedimentology, aeolian sediment transport, dune ecology, foredune dynamics and barrier evolution. I have applied and expanded the knowledge obtained from studying coastal systems in Brazil to the Australian sandy barriers, in collaboration with researches from Australia and various parts of the world.

Honours, awards and grants

ARC LIEF - Coastal Bathymetry with Advanced Technologies (CoastBAT), 2023. Dr Graziela Miot da Silva; Adj A/Prof David Bruce; A/Prof Daniel Ierodiaconou; Prof Patrick Hesp; Prof Adrian Werner; A/Prof Ruth Reef; Dr Ryan Baring ; Mr Jason Quinn; Dr Milena Fernandes; Mr James Holyman.

ARC Discovery Project - Evolution, geomorphology, age structure and dynamics of the Younghusband Peninsula Holocene coastal barrier dunefield (2022-2025) with Patrick Hesp, Graziela Miot da Silva, Ian Moffat, Christopher Wilson, Robert Bourman (all Flinders University), Colin Murray-Wallace (UoW), Patrick Nunn (USC), Toru Tamura (Japan), Sergio Dillenburg (UFRGS, Brazil), Roger Luebbers (Melbourne).

ARC Discovery Project - Climate and environmental history of SE Queensland dunefields (2015–2018) with Shulmeister, J. Hesp, P.; G Miot da Silva; Dr K J Welsh; Dr T Santini; Dr J Larsen; A/ProfA M Gontz; Dr T Rittenour.

Recipient of the Flinders University College of Science and Engineering Research Student mentorship Award (2022)

Awarded the '2011 Secretary's Partners in Conservation Award’ by the US Department of the Interior for "Archaeological Analysis of Submerged Sites, Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf" with A. Evans, M. Keith, P. Hesp, and M. Allison. The award recognizes organizations and individuals who partner with others to conserve and restore our land, help wildlife thrive, address water issues, and forge solutions to complex natural resource challenges.

Key responsibilities

Board Member International Society for Aeolian Research

Board Member SA Division of the Geological Society of Australia

Deputy Node Leader SA-IMOS

Teaching interests

Courses taught:

Nicholls State University (USA):
GEOL 101 (Physical Geology);
GEOL 102 (Historical Geology);
GEOL 300 (Oceanography).
Louisiana State University (USA):
GEOL 1001 (Physical Geology);
OCS/GEOG 4024 (Coastal Morphodynamics);
GEOL 3032 (Sedimentology and Depositional Environments);
GEOL 3039 (Geological Research - Sedimentology)

Topic coordinator
ENVS2731 Coastal Processes
ENVS3752 Geology of Australia
EASC1101 Earth and Environmental Science
Topic lecturer
EASC1102 Marine Sciences