Professor Joseph Selvanayagam

Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health and Medical Research Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Prof Selvanayagam graduated with first class Honours from the University of Adelaide in 1995, obtained his FRACP (Cardiology) in 2002 and his PhD from Oxford University (DPhil) in 2005. For his doctoral and post-doctoral work he received the Wellcome Trust (UK) Cardiovascular Research Fellowship, UK Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme and the Intermediate Research Fellowship award from the British Heart Foundation. In addition during this time, he received several national and international awards, including a merit award from Oxford University, and the Samuel Levine Finalist Award of the American Heart Association. Over the course of his research career he has attracted more than 28million AUD in grant funding. Prof Selvanayagam has published > 400 peer-reviewed manuscripts/abstracts/book chapters with an h-index of 45 and >12500 citations

As the Director of Cardiac Imaging Research (CIR), SA Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), Prof Selvanayagam leads a group with an international reputation in randomised clinical trials, and cardiac imaging research. Prof Selvanayagam’s research program can be summarized under the overall theme of using cardiac imaging to answer mechanistic questions in three broad areas in cardiology: Heart failure and Cardiomyopathy, Coronary Artery Disease and Arrhythmia Disorders.


Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, 1st Class Honours, University of Adelaide   

Fellowship, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP)

Doctor of Philosophy D. Phil Green College, University of Oxford

Fellow Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand

Fellow Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Fellow European Society of Cardiology

Level 3, Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Level A Accreditation, Conjoint Committee of CT Coronary Angiography Accreditation (Australia)

Honours, awards and grants


1992        AMSS Prize by the University of Adelaide (4th Yr Medicine)

1994        1st Class Honours (given to top 2% of graduating medical year)

1994        Dean’s Order of Merit

2002 – 2005  Welcome Trust Oxford Cardiovascular Research Initiative Training Fellowship

2002 – 2005  UK Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme

2003        Finalist Samuel A. Levine Young Clinical Investigator Award, American Heart Association Meeting, Orlando

2004        Finalist Clinical Poster Prize, American Heart Association Meeting, New Orleans

2004        Outstanding Merit Award, Department of Cardiovascular Med, University of Oxford (Awarded to the most productive doctoral researcher in the Cardiovascular Medicine department for that year)

2005        Intermediate Research Fellowship, British Heart Foundation

2008        Early Career Investigator Award, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Los Angeles

2012        Aherns Research Award for Outstanding Australia Heart Foundation Researcher

2016        Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand (CSANZ) Service Award

2017        Outstanding Research Achievement, Southern Area Health Network, Adelaide

Key responsibilities

Joseph Selvanayagam is an active clinical cardiologist, imaging cardiologist, a clinical trialist and heart failure/cardiomyopathy researcher in cardiovascular medicine

Director Cardiac Imaging SALHN

Director Cardiac MRI SALHN


Teaching interests

Cardiovascular Medicine

Clinical Medicine

Cardiac Imaging

Clinical Pharmacology

Teaching Excellence Award 2019 (Flinders MD student teaching)