Liz McNeill

Associate Lecturer

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

+61 8 8201 7904
place Sturt East
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Liz's career path, transitioning from critical care nursing to midwifery, uniquely positions her to blend clinical expertise with innovative teaching and research. Her specialization in simulation allowed her to creatively approach curriculum design and scholarship in both nursing and midwifery.

Her research interests span midwifery, authentic assessment, professional communication, and simulation. She has shared her expertise internationally through presentations and publications.

Liz is passionate about fostering collaboration and innovation among colleagues. She has initiated multiple Communities of Practice (CoP) groups to support and encourage advancements in teaching, assessment, and research. She is also a strong advocate for student engagement and partnership.

Through her podcast, "Thru the Pinard," and the 'PhD Midwives' social media groups, Liz champions global midwifery research. These platforms disseminate research findings and provide opportunities for international networking.

As a veteran, Liz has firsthand experience supporting fellow veterans. She has worked as a peer support for those recovering from PTSD, conducted research on female veteran transition, and engaged in veteran archaeology as a wellness peer.

Liz was a founding member of Flinders University's Pride Network, dedicated to promoting inclusivity for diverse gender, sex, and sexuality (GDSS) identities among students and staff.

By combining her clinical expertise, academic pursuits, and personal experiences, Liz has made significant contributions to the fields of nursing, midwifery, and veteran support.


RN/RM BHSc(Nurs), BMid, GCEd(Tert Ed), GCCritCareNurs, GC FlexEd&Simulation, MNg, PhD cand

Mental Health First Aid


Diplomas of Sports & Swedish and Raynor Massage, Cert IV A&WT

Honours, awards and grants


Australian Nursing Memorial Centre (ANMC) Commemorative Scholarship


Australian College of Midwives (ACM) Fiona Kemp Scholarship


Educational Quality Collaborative Champion Award, Flinders University


$9,342 - Schuck K., McNeill L., Bennett PN., Hosking J., Australian and New Zealand Dialysis Workforce Survey (ANZDWS) 2021 10 years on, Kidney, Transplant & Diabetes Research Australia (KTDRA) and Renal Society of Australasia (RSA)


VC Innovation in Teaching award CNHS

Best paper 'Military Midwifery' ACM national conference, Canberra


nominated VC Innovation in Teaching award


Nominated VP & Executive Dean Awards x 2

South Australian Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards Nomination - Excellence in Innovation in Education (Registered Nurse/Registered Midwife)


$5000 - Roberts L, Granthan H, Wilson C, Pointon T, Thompson J, McNeill L, Pront L and Sprick C, Inter-professional Mass Casualty Incident and Trauma Simulation - Faculty Executive Dean Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant award

$5000 - Bell, E., McNeill, L., Levett-Jones, T., Pront, L., Sivertsen, N., Button, D., Muller, A., Du, H., Shifaza, F., Kako, M., Gilham, D., Parker, S. Evaluating the impact of a 3D cultural simulation experience on a diverse cohort of nursing/midwifery students, SONM Start-up Grant

2011 - $3000 - Wachtel, T. Gilbert, S and McNeill, L. The relationship between written feedback on student assignments and student learning; how much feedback is just enough? - Teaching and Learning Innovation Project - Flinders Teaching Quality Network

2008 - $17,050 – Bennett, PN. McNeill, L Australian and New Zealand Dialysis Workplace Survey. Renal Society of Australasia/Roche Grant

Australian Defence Forces Medal

Key responsibilities
  • Midwifery research advocate
  • Simulation
  • Teaching
  • Assessment
  • Curriculum development
  • Mentoring/Clinical facilitation
Teaching interests
  • midwifery research advocate
  • simulation & debriefing - Midwifery, Nursing and IPE
  • learning & assessment
  • clinical facilitation
  • eLearning/Learning analytics
Topic coordinator
MIDW3011 Global Health for Midwives
MIDW2014 Evidence Based Midwifery Care
Topic lecturer
MIDW3017 Collaborative and Interprofessional Learning
MIDW3018 Midwifery Professional Practice Project
Further information

Thru the pinard podcast - a conversational podcast with @Academic_Liz with midwives & other birth professionals about their studies/ research & how its changing our practice globally - email
