Associate Professor Mark Staniforth

Academic Level D

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Mark has broad experience in maritime archaeology, historical archaeology, museums and cultural heritage studies in a career that spans more than thirty years. He is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Archaeology at Flinders University. Mark was the convenor of the Maritime Archaeology Program (MAP) at Flinders University for 14 years (1997-2010). Before that he was curator of maritime archaeology at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney (1987-1993) and State Maritime Archaeologist for the Victoria Archaeological Survey in Victoria.

  • PhD (Archaeology) Department of Archaeology - Flinders University  1999
  • Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education School  1998
  • Master of Arts (with merit) - by research and thesis History Department - University of Sydney  1993
  • Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology (with distinction) Western Australian Institute of Technology  1982
  • B.Sc (Biology) Murdoch University. Western Australia  1977
Honours, awards and grants
  • 2012 appointed as an expert member of ICOMOS-ICAHM (International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management)
  • 2012 elected as a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London (FSA).
  • 2010 appointed as an expert member of the ICOMOS Underwater Heritage International Scientific Committee - ICUCH (International Committee on the Underwater Cultural Heritage).
  • 2009 appointed as an associate member of the Flinders College of Distinguished Educators (FCDE) for having been recognised nationally for outstanding contributions to the field of university-level teaching and learning.
  • 2009 invited by UNESCO to become a member of the Academic Advisory Committee the UNESCO Asia and the Pacific regional project entitled "Safeguarding the Underwater Cultural Heritage of Asia and the Pacific: Building Regional Capacities to Protect and Manage Underwater Archaeological Sites through the Establishment of a Regional Centre of Excellence Field Training Facility and Programme of Instruction" funded by the Royal Government of Norway.
  • 2009 invited by UNESCO to present at the UNESCO Workshop on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Pacific held in the Solomon Islands in December 2009
  • 2009 invited to be a member of the Scientific Committee and the sub-committee on "Protecting Cultural Heritage" for the World Universities Congress held in Canakkale, Turkey in October 2010.
  • 2008 awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Citation: For sustained leadership in building an integrated maritime archaeology program and for teaching excellence using an innovative curriculum including work-integrated learning to produce job-ready graduates.
  • 2008 Visiting Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA
  • 2003 awarded a Flinders University Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching.
  • Maritime Archaeology

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