Professor Paul Kirkbride

Academic Status

College of Science and Engineering

place Physical Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I have been involved in forensic science as a forensic chemist in one capacity or another since 1985. My first placement was at Forensic Science SA where I worked as a toxicologist, illicit drugs analyst, clandestine drug lab investigator and a trace evidence examiner. I then moved into management and became, over time, the supervisor of the chemistry group, the quality manager and finally the Assistant Director-Science, a position where I was responsible for management of quality, information systems and research.

In 2006 I took up a position with the National Institute of Forensic Science in Melbourne as the Manager of Business Programs. In that role my responsibilities were to initiate and manage forensic science research projects on a national basis.

In 2008 I commenced as Chief Scientist with the Forensic and Data Centres portfolio of the Australian Federal Police, a position where I was again responsible for research management and quality management.


BSc, BSc(Hons) and PhD, all from the University of Adelaide and all in the field of chemistry, in particular organic chemistry.

Honours, awards and grants

Publication awards

Eighteen publication recognitions by the National Institute of Forensic Science in their annual "Best Paper" awards. For the most recent awards have a look here:

The International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and instrument company Agilent awarded Sathisha Kamanna a best student publication award for 2016. Follow these links to find out more::

Research grants in the last 5 years:

ARC Linkage Grant "Visualization of Latent DNA" Have a look here for a related story:

Defence Grand Challenge Grant "Countering Improvised Threats"

Defence Science and Technology Group - Counter Terrorism Technical Support Office grant "Collection and Exploitation of Informative Genetic Data from Trace Material" with Prof Adrian Linacre. Have a look here for related news items:

Premier's Research and Industry Fund grant "Transformation of Forensic Gunshot Residude Evidence" have a look here:

ARC Linkage Grant "Universal Immunogenic Reagents for the Detection of Latent Fingermarks"

ARC Linkage Grant "Direct Sample Analysis with Nanostructured Silicon Chips"

ARC Linkage Grant "Estimating per capita use and release of chemicals by wastewater analysis"

ARC LIEF Grant "Advanced Nanomaterials Characterisation Facility"

Key responsibilities

As of 1/1/2023 I hold an Emeritus position at Flinders University. Although this position is honarary, I am still involved in forensic science research involving PhD and Honours students and I provide specialist support to the law enforcement and forensic science sectors.

In my life before academia, my key operational forensic science responsibilities included: examination of trace evidence (fire scene residues, textile fibres, paint, explosives residues and gunshot residues), illicit drugs and clandestine laboratories, and provision of expert evidence in courts.
As a senior manager in forensic science agencies my key responsibilities included: research and development management, information systems management, quality management, and policy and planning.

Teaching interests

My philosophy in teaching is to share my skills, knowledge and experience gained in over 25 years in forensic science as a case examiner and senior manager. My plan is to teach you everything that I know about forensic science.....but not everything that YOU will know!

My particular expertise include the following:

  • Trace evidence examination with particular reference to examination of ignitable liquids (i.e. arson investigation), textile fibres, paint, explosives and gunshot residues.
  • Technology of trace evidence analysis with particular reference to infrared microspectroscopy, Raman microspectroscopy, pyrolysis GC-MS, UV-Visible microspectroscopy, solid-phase microextraction and GC-MS.
  • Illicit drug synthesis and analysis of illict drugs.
  • Provision of expert evidence.
  • Materials science as applied to forensic science.
Expert for media contact
Forensic science
Clandestine Drug Laboratories
Gunshot Residues
Illicit Drugs
Trace Evidence
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Media expertise
  • Forensic science
  • Clandestine Drug Laboratories
  • Gunshot Residues
  • Illicit Drugs
  • Trace Evidence