Undertake a PhD in Education
Make a difference in the educational landscape.
By undertaking a higher degree by research in Education at Flinders, you will develop the skills and expertise to shape education policy and practice, and make a genuine difference in what is a diverse field. You will develop a deep understanding of a specific area, joining researchers who work closely with industry to create new knowledge and develop innovative solutions to challenges across the education landscape.
I am an
International Student
I am a
Domestic Student
Master of Arts (Education) - Exit Only
Duration: 2 years
Delivery mode:
In person
Bedford Park
CRICOS code: 106275C
Annual fees:
2025: $36,300
Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
Duration: 4 years
Delivery mode:
In Person
Bedford Park
CRICOS code: 106255G
Annual fees:
2025: $35,800
Why undertake a PhD in Education at Flinders?
Your career
This PhD provides opportunities to work as leaders in schools, preschools and the educational sector. PhD graduates in Education become researchers as part of academia or in industry. As an Education Consultant you can work in Government departments such as Departments for Education, in the Independent Schools sector in urban and regional settings, and in indigenous education.
Potential occupations include:
Potential employers include:
Potential research supervisors
Flinders Education academic staff are recognised as leaders in their fields both locally, nationally and internationally, who draw on their extensive knowledge to undertake research that makes a difference to people’s lives.
Professor Ben Wadham
Professor Ben Wadham |
Veteran studies, critical military studies, military masculinities, military education, military criminology |
Associate Professor Deb Agnew | The social construction of masculinity, men's health, Australian rules football, sports retirement, sport and physical activity, sport and nutrition, masculinity, sports injury, health promotion, gender roles, physical activity, integrity of sport |
Associate Professor Kerry Bissaker | Effective learning processes for both students and teachers, including autism, early development programs, teachers’ professional learning |
Associate Professor Julie Clark | Mathematics education, effective pedagogy (PCK) (MCK), beliefs and attitudes, pre-service teacher education, reform, PLG, rural, equity and diversity |
Associate Professor Sam Elliott | Youth sport participation, retention and withdrawal, parental involvement in youth sport, understanding the youth sport system, psychosocial and developmental outcomes of sport participation |
Associate Professor Amy Hamilton | Pre-service teachers and art education, military art and camouflage, spatial ability and perspective, traditional printmaking techniques |
Professor Shane Pill | Curriculum leadership, education leadership, school leadership, sport coaching, physical education and sport pedagogy/instructional strategies, physical education and sport curriculum models, particularly TGFU/game sense and sport education, quality teaching |
Dr Loretta Bowshall-Freeman | Educational policy (applied) and leadership, teacher professional development, assessment, mentoring, supervision and placements |
Dr Julie McMillan | Inclusive education, disability, autism, complex communication needs, schoolwide positive behaviour support, curriculum adjustments for learners with complex support needs. |
Dr Kate Ridley | Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, measurement of physical activity and energy expenditure |
Dr Tianchong Wang | AI in Education, STEM Education, ICT in Education, Digital Learning for Development, Blended Learning, Mobile Learning, Game-based Learning and Gamification, Open Education, Education Equity/Inclusion, SDG 4 |
Weifeng Han | Inclusive Education, Cognitive-linguistic development, Speech and Language disorder, IPP, EBP. |
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Keeping it safe and fair on and off the playing field
A passion for health, fitness and helping young people make better life choices are some of the key drivers of Emilea Mysko's decision to pursue a PhD at Flinders University.
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For queries relating specifically to a project, direct your enquiry to the College where you plan to study.
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