Security Officers are available 24-hours a day via the hotline telephones around campus or:
Security and Lost Property are located next to Flinders Connect on the Plaza.
Campus Security are available 24 hours a day to assist with an emergency or safety threat. Our security officers are certified first responders, trained to perform first aid and all security vehicles are equipped with automatic defibrillators.
Flinders University takes safety on campus seriously. If you feel unsafe on campus, or if you have witnessed an incident, contact the Security Office as soon as possible. All reports remain confidential.
In non-emergency situations, you can also contact the Police on 131444.
Emergency Control Procedures for what you need to do in an emergency.
You need authorisation to access buildings after hours.
Contact the Lost Property Office (next to Flinders Connect on the Plaza) to check if your property has been handed in.
Call (08) 8201 5151 during business hours.
If you have had property stolen, advise the Security Office, and report the theft in person to the Sturt Police Station as soon as possible.
Prompt reports may help offenders to be identified, and help reduce future incidents.
Lock all doors and close all windows. Do not leave valuables in open view.
If you are going to stay on campus after dark, move your vehicle to a well-lit area of the car park, closer to your building, before it gets dark.
Call Security if you want them to escort you to your car after hours.
The security team can provide an escort service for the following scenarios:
Security escorts are available 24/7, however bookings will only be taken and actioned during business hours, Monday to Friday. If you need to create a booking after hours (e.g. you are on campus after 5pm and need a same day booking), please call Security on 8201 2880.
There may be times that the security team are responding to an emergency and may not be able to attend at the date and time you have requested. We will contact you if this is the case.
Bedford Park
Flinders security provides an after-hours security escort service at Bedford Park campus to get staff and students safely to their car or on-campus residence. To make a booking for the Bedford Park campus please book here.
We are unable to provide escorts to off campus locations. The Bedford Park escort boundary can be found here.
City Campus
A daily walking security escort service is available for staff and students at City Campus – our security staff will escort you safely to these locations:
Bookings are not required for the City Campus - simply meet at the ground floor rotating doors at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm and 10pm on weekdays, and 5pm and 6pm on weekends.
Use well-lit routes when walking around campus at night. If possible, walk with a companion or larger group.
Contact Security when you require an escort to your car or campus residence after dark.
If you have any feedback regarding this service, please let us know via Service One.
There are hotline phones around campus giving direct access to Security. These locations are:
Due to our location we have a variety of wildlife on campus. Do not approach or attempt to touch any bird or animal. Sometimes koalas are thirsty in summer so it's okay to leave some water nearby for them to drink.
If you see a snake, back away quietly and contact Security to notify them of its location. Our security and grounds maintenance staff are trained in snake awareness and handling.
If you believe that an animal is injured or in need of assistance, on campus, please contact Miss Leslie Morrison, Animal Facilities Manager, Science and Engineering.
Alternatively, if the Animal Facilities Manager is unavailable, you may contact the University Veterinarian (who may be on campus). They will advise you how they will proceed, and if your further assistance is required.
If an animal requires veterinary attention, they will arrange for this.
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