We are a diverse group of experienced and emerging sociologists who draw inspiration from several different research traditions and use both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Our mission is to understand social life by using the research techniques that can most appropriately address emerging and enduring social problems and challenges.
Our approaches include post-humanism, post-structuralism, interactionist, critical race theory and intersectionality, and feminism.
Our current focus is on families and intimate relationships, cultural diversity and sex and relationships education, courts and justice, contemporary work in informal and organisational settings, and human-animal relations.
We have excellent track records in qualitative research, mixed methods, and policy and network analysis.
We use a number of frameworks and approaches to explore how relations of power are manifested, performed and maintained in diverse, every day, real life social contexts ranging from the intimate personal sphere to workplaces and institutions.
Our most recent research includes career progression, emotion in judicial work, racism in the Australian workplace, pets and rental housing, cultural diversity in sex education, and work in the creative industries.
Dr Monique Mulholland, Dr Fida Sanjakdar (Monash University), Dr Tessa Opie (inyourskin consulting)
This project addresses the problem that sexuality needs to more adequately speak to the broad range of religious and cultural diversities in Australian classrooms.
Despite this sustained critique of sexuality education, very little empirical work has been undertaken in the Australian context that centres the voices of young people.
This project has interviewed young people from different cultural backgrounds, and seeks to address 1) what they identify as main oversights of sexuality curriculum and 2) how curriculum and resources might better address their needs.
Sex and relationships education
Dr Jessie Shipman (Chief Investigator, Nursing and Health Sciences), Dr Monique Mulholland, Dr Stefania Velardo (CEPSW), Dr Nina Siversten (CNHS), Associate Professor Ivanka Prichard (CNHS), Dr Eva Kemp (CMPH), Ms Olivia Bellas (CMPH)
The onset of menstruation (menarche) is an important developmental and clinical indicator of girls’ physical, nutritional, and reproductive health.
A significant proportion of girls are reaching menarche several years earlier than average, and evidence reveals that a large population of girls has already menstruated before being introduced to the subject through formal reproductive health education.
This project aims to explore how the needs of girls experiencing early menarche are addressed in SA primary schools.
Sexual health
Dr Zoei Sutton
This project qualitatively explores how stakeholders (landlords, advocates, housing providers and other frontline workers) and tenants negotiate and experience pet-friendly housing in order to inform better pet-friendly housing policies and practices.
The chosen research site (South Australia) is governed by ‘pet un-friendly’ policy, which sees landlords and other housing providers largely able to reject multispecies families without consequence.
The project uses qualitative interviews to explore:
Partner organisation: Safe Pets Safe Families.
Human-animal studies
Housing inequality
Social work
Associate Professor Kristin Natalier (CHASS), Dr Carmela Bastian (CEPSW), Professor Sarah Wendt (CEPSW)
Domestic and family violence shelters offer an as yet under-developed opportunity to create a safe space for children to share their experiences, and for service providers to respond to children’s needs and identify and set in place appropriate support services in a timely fashion.
This research is focused on building sector capacity to effectively support children through the development of a child-centred practice approach in South Australian Domestic and Family violence shelters.
With an expanded understanding of their child-referenced role, DFV shelters have the capacity to put in place the foundations for effective supports for children over the longer-term.
It is conducted in collaboration with the newly constituted South Australian Domestic and Family Violence Consortium Alliance.
Children’s wellbeing
Domestic and family violence
Social work
Associate Professor Kristin Natalier (CHASS), Professor Sarah Wendt (CEPSW), Dr Carmela Bastian (CEPSW), Associate Professor Michelle Jones (CEPSW), Dr Kate Seymour (CEPSW)
There are currently around 45,000 Australian young people living in state (out-of-home) care. Many experience trauma, loss, placement instability and a feeling that they do not belong.
Flinders researchers are partnering with Department for Child Protection, Anglicare South Australia and Life Without Barriers to respond to their experiences.
This project aims to determine how conceptions of home can enhance an understanding of and responsiveness to young people’s needs in state care.
It expects to generate novel data on home for young people in state care and for the first time develop a home-centred approach to supporting young people across multiple care contexts.
Expected outcomes include developing and evaluating home-centred care principles, practice guidelines and an online training module.
These should provide benefits including better experiences and placement stability for young people, effective training for carers and evidence-informed strategies guiding the work of service providers and governments, with the potential to improve young people's life chances.
Children’s wellbeing
State care
Social work
Professor Sarah Wendt (CEPSW), Associate Professor Kristin Natalier (CHASS), Dr Kate Seymour (CEPSW)
In Australia and internationally, there is currently no sustained research on the nature of DFV work, and this workforce remains largely invisible.
This project aims to generate an evidence base on the nature of domestic and family violence (DFV) work and the implications for the DFV workforce across victim, perpetrator and Aboriginal specialist services.
Using the innovative method of rapid ethnography, this project expects to provide a comparative understanding of DFV work and workforce practices and requirements.
Expected outcomes include workforce development strategies that are responsive to the context and needs of DFV work.
Given the high social, health and economic costs of DFV, investing in the DFV workforce has national benefits including improved services and better client and worker wellbeing.
Work and employment
Domestic and family violence
Dr Michael Scott, Dr Tully Barnett
This project investigates how emerging cultural entrepreneurs within the Creative Industries develop strategies to access private sector finance, and how they understand the funding of portfolio careers.
Specific focus is on the puzzle of how money (public/private/philanthropic) for career development is accessed (or not), and how this money is understood as ‘special monies’, including the specific injunctions around its allocation to ‘enclaved’ commodity production: a fashion collection, a portfolio of images, a resume of performances or productions.
Sociology of work in twenty-first century
Professor Sharyn Roach Anleu, Emerita Professor Kathy Mack, Professor Jill Hunter (UNSW), Professor Prudence Vines (UNSW), Professor Natalie Skead (UWA), Associate Professor Kylie Burns (Griffith), Professor Cate Warner (UTAS), Professor Richard Kemp (UNSW), Associate Professor Teres Henning (UTAS)
This project aims to address the human, juridical and financial costs of judicial officers’ work-related psychological harm.
This harm is implicated in early retirement, sick leave and suicide. It threatens appropriate courtroom conduct, procedural fairness and impartial adjudication.
The project seeks to generate new knowledge of the stress judicial officers experience and the individual and institutional mechanisms for managing stressors, combining socio-legal and psychological approaches.
Expected outcomes include evidence-based understandings to inform recruitment and retention strategies specific to this highly specialized workforce.
This should provide significant benefits for judges’ work capacities and courts' delivery of justice.
Courts and the judiciary constitute a key institution in Australia. The Judicial Research Project at Flinders University led by Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor Sharyn Roach Anleu and Emerita Professor Kathy Mack [BGL] uses various empirical research strategies, including interviews, surveys and observation studies, to undertake wide-ranging research into the Australian judiciary.
The Project research is conducted and reported independently of the courts and government. Project findings provide new knowledge and valuable insights addressing important scholarly and public policy questions, especially the changing nature and organisation of judicial work, concerns about the meaning of judicial impartiality, and tensions between judicial independence and accountability.
Socio-legal research
Dr Zoei Sutton, Dr Josephine Browne, Mr Alex Hill, Associate Professor Gavin Smith, Ms Fiona De Rosa, Ms Nita Alexander, Dr Chantelle Bayes, Professor Nik Taylor, Ms Kate Macintyre, Ms Katherine Calvert, Ms Melissa Laing
This project draws on sociologies of everyday life to highlight the often taken-for-granted multispecies relations that already exist in our homes.
Multispecies Homescapes will invite participants to re-examine their relationships with other animals in everyday life by taking photos of nonhuman creatures in their homespace and submitting their observations to a moderated webpage hosted within the TASA website.
The project aims to capture:
1) who is included in (human) narratives of multispecies homes, and
2) how different species in Australian homes are encountered and represented.
Human animal studies
Interdisciplinary - College of HASS, BGL and CSE
Professor Beverley Clarke (CI), Professor Kirstin Ross, Associate Professor Cassandra Star, Dr Zoei Sutton, Dr Melinda Dodd
This project investigates the efficacy of bushfire action plans of the elderly living independently in high bushfire danger areas. It will explore:
a) interpretations of 'early evacuation'
b) commitments to evacuating early
c) the scope of bushfire action plans and
d) the capability of participants to enact plans.
Information will be collected through interviews with elderly people, representatives from aged care facilities, service providers, and focus groups with emergency responders.
Findings will assist councils and emergency services to: design messaging specific to this group; and to develop targeted strategies and enhanced integration with aged care services, both empowering and improving the resilience of this vulnerable group.
Disaster resilience
Environmental management
At Flinders, our researchers at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences include experienced experts from many different areas. Shaping our ever-changing world, our practice-based research allows us to stay at the forefront of modern education.
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