A free legal advice service increasing access to justice.
Flinders Legal Centre (FLC) offers free, independent, and confidential legal advice and information. It is operated by Flinders University.
Our services are available to anyone in the community, not only Flinders University students, and is accessible online, or in-person by arrangement.
You can seek advice on a wide range of matters, including the following:
You'll meet with Flinders University Law student interns who can provide legal advice and information. These interns and graduates work closely with experienced supervising solicitors.
Important information about appointment availability during semester break:
Flinders Legal Centre operates at full capacity during Semester 1 and Semester 2. During semester breaks (including mid semester break, winter break and summer break) the centre normally operates at a reduced capacity with appointment availability reduced.
If you are seeking legal advice, please complete the form below to request a free 45-minute interview. Flinders Legal Centre will contact you to confirm whether we can offer an appointment, and if so, provide a link for you to book a time. Appointments can be online, via phone or in person.
If your matter is urgent or you need help with the form, please call the office directly.
Limitations to our assistance
Please note that we are an 'advice only' service. This means that our assistance is limited, and we can usually only provide advice about your matter. We do not:
Depending on your circumstances and your legal issue, in addition to providing advice, we might be able to assist you to complete forms or draft letters for you to send.
Flinders Legal Centre is located at:
Mark Oliphant Building
Level 3B, 5 Laffer Drive
Bedford Park SA 5042
Preparing for your appointment
You can bring a support person to the appointment with you, or an interpreter if you need assistance with interpreting.
Please make sure you have all relevant documents, including court documents, contracts or quotes, receipts, letters, photographs, witness statements or any other documents that relate to the issue.
We provide legal advice by appointment only.
We can provide free legal advice in relation to a broad range of matters, including:
Depending on your circumstances and your legal issue, in addition to providing advice, we might be able to assist you to complete forms or draft letters for you to send.
If you are involved in a dispute, our advice may assist you with:
If you want your matter to go to Court or it is already in Court, and the financial amount in dispute is not more than $12,000, we may be able to help you with:
We do not:
We also generally do not give advice in relation to:
Our legal advice services are free. You do not need to pay to meet with us. You do not need to pay for our legal assistance.
We do not cover any costs associated with search fees, court or other dispute processes. This means that you must pay for any of your own costs, including Court filing fees and costs of obtaining evidence or preparing for hearing.
All information that you provide to our Centre is privileged (confidential).
We can only give legal advice once we have met with you. Please do not seek legal advice by email or phone before you have made an appointment.
Our Centre has been operating as a free legal advice service since 2011. It is a high quality model of fully integrated clinical legal education providing a transformative experience for law students and assisting clients from the community with a wide range of legal matters. This was built on an earlier collaboration in 2009-2010 at the Adelaide Magistrates Court with Adelaide Law School.
Our Centre mirrors the environment of a small private law firm, with experienced solicitors closely supervising student interns to enable the Centre to provide free advice to members of the community across a range of legal issues. Our Centre operates as an innovative ‘hub and spoke’ legal service. Interns and supervisors travel from our legal office ‘hub’ to our ‘spoke’ outreach Clinics where interns meet and interview members of the public. Since 2015, the Centre ‘hub’ has been located in purpose-equipped office space situated in Flinders University’s southern commercial premises.
Our Model
Clinical Legal Education at Flinders Law School was developed in its present form in 2011. In order to provide high quality internships for students studying the topic “Social Justice Internship” for credit in their law degree, we established the Flinders Legal Advice Clinic in that year. It transformed into the Flinders Legal Centre in 2019 and is now the placement internship for students studying the topic “Law in Action”.
Our Centre, while operating completely within the University, is recognised as a community legal centre under the Legal Practitioners Act 1981 (SA). Since 2011, our Clinic has operated all year round, offering students a range of enrolment opportunities. Our Interns (who comprise law students enrolled in LLAW 3302 Law in Action together with law student volunteers, and occasional graduate volunteers) commit to involvement in the Clinic for at least a semester and also voluntarily cover non study periods.
The students at our Centre find that helping people with their legal disputes is an excellent learning experience for their future career. They take their responsibility very seriously, and act professionally at all times.
Our vision and ongoing commitment is to a high quality model of fully integrated clinical legal education providing a transformative experience for student interns.
Our Centre has traditionally operated as a ‘hub and spoke’ legal service, with our legal office ‘hub’ being supervised by a senior solicitor. Interns and supervisors travel from this ‘hub’ to our ‘spoke’ outreach Clinics where interns meet and interview members of the public under the supervision of the FLC staff (being experienced legal practitioners). Interns then returned to the ‘hub’ office to conduct relevant research and prepare written advice to clients under the supervision of the Clinic Supervisor. Our outreach Clinics were located at a neighbourhood community centre (where clients present with a variety of issues including aged persons law, debt, small business and neighbourhood disputes); at our suburban campus (where issues include housing, traffic, and debt); and on-campus (with a wide variety of matters, including residential tenancy, debt, traffic, employment, small business, commercial and start-up related matters).
When widespread bushfires affected Kangaroo Island in 2019, FLC Director Jo Milne approached Catherine McMorrine - Chair of Community Legal Centres (SA) (CLCSA) - to offer the support of Flinders Legal Centre in any services that CLCSA might deliver to those affected by bushfires in SA. Consequently, Flinders Legal Centre was asked by CLCSA to provide assistance in relation to understanding the requirements for the clearance of native vegetation under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and related legislation.
Flinders Legal Centre immediately organised a project involving volunteer law students in scoping the issues, and determining what assistance the Centre could provide.
The teaching and learning experience provided by the Centre has been recognised by a Flinders University Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and a Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, both awarded in 2014. In December 2014, we received a University Teaching and Learning Innovation grant to develop resources to support intern resilience. We presented research about our Centre context:
Recognition and support from the wider community is evidenced by grants from the Law Foundation of South Australia and Student Services Amenities Fee funding from Flinders University since 2012; and in-kind support currently from the City of Marion.
We receive referrals from the Legal Services Commission of South Australia, Southern Community and Limestone Coast Community Centre, as well as other Community Legal Centres, private practitioners and the wider community.
If you have any queries or need assistance with the appointment enquiry form, please contact us by email or by phone on +61 8 7421 9985
Flinders Legal Centre
Mark Oliphant Building
Level 3B, 5 Laffer Drive
Bedford Park SA 5042
"We are rapt with the success [of the Flinders Legal Centre]... it complements the range of services and programs provided by our community and neighbourhood centres and is consistent with our aim of providing access to information, resources and services to increase resilience and community capacity."
"We want to sincerely thank you for the amount of time and effort you have put into the research and response regarding our case... I can’t stress enough how appreciative we are for the service you have provided to us."
Student intern at the Flinders Legal Centre
Who provides the services?
Legal advice is provided by Flinders University student interns and recent graduates under the supervision of experienced supervising solicitors.
The Flinders Legal Centre Director is Matt Simpson.
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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