To improve outcomes for patients, the Prostate Cancer Research Group at Flinders University undertakes basic research to characterise the mechanisms by which prostate tumours metastasise and become resistant to targeted therapies. We feed this new knowledge into translational research projects aimed at developing new drugs and biomarkers to improve the treatment and management of patients.
The Prostate Cancer Research Group is led by Professor Luke Selth and is part of the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute. Luke is also the Co-Director of the FHMRI Cancer Impact Program.
Our group collaborates widely with prostate cancer patient advocates, other scientists, clinicians, computational biologists and engineers – in Australia and around the world – to ensure that our findings have maximal impact. Importantly, our “team science” approach means that we also undertake impactful research on other types of cancer, including breast and bladder cancers.
The androgen receptor (AR) is the key driver of prostate cancer and the major target for therapy. Therefore, most of our research aims to understand the function of the androgen receptor pathway and use this knowledge to develop more effective therapies for patients. Current research projects include:
For a full list of publications from the Prostate Cancer Research Group, check out Luke’s Google Scholar page.
Adrienne Hanson, Research officer
Scott Townley, Research officer
Raj Shrestha, Post-doctoral research scientist
Razia Rahmna, PhD student
Our lab is always on the lookout for students and post-docs who are passionate about making a difference to cancer patients. We are particularly interested in those with diverse skills and knowledge, including in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology, health and medical sciences, biotechnology and bioinformatics.
Most of our projects are primarily comprised of “wet lab” research, but students interested in undertaking “dry lab” (i.e. bioinformatics) research are also encouraged to get in touch. Please contact Prof Selth directly.
We currently have a fully-funded PhD scholarship available!
Lab members can be reached via links in their profiles (above).
Postal address:
Selth Group, Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute, Health and Medical Research Building (level 7), Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, SA 5042, Australia
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
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