In 2003 the University received an unrestricted bequest from the late Gareth Isherwood. Gareth completed a BA(Hons) at Flinders in 1981, and an MA in 1985. The Isherwood Bequest allows the University to direct the funds to areas of greatest need.
The bequest was critical in establishing the Flinders Centre for Science Education in the 21st Century. The Centre’s innovative programs have supported teachers and education leaders in the Far North of the State, tackling the challenge of helping young people in rural and remote areas to become effective learners in science and mathematics.
Centre Director Professor Martin Westwell says, “We were able to support rural and remote schools and teachers through professional learning, team-teaching in their classrooms, and collaborating with them to be innovative in their own lessons — I’m both personally and professionally grateful for the bequest to the University that enabled us to foster quality in teaching and learning of children throughout the State.”
Published 2016.