Senior Lecturer in Business
College of Business, Government and Law
Afshin is the Director of Flinders MBA program and a Senior Lecturer in marketing at Flinders University. Afshin’s main areas of interest include social marketing, digital marketing, gamification, transformative services research, and services marketing. His works mainly focus on understanding how digital technologies and specifically gamification can be used to bring about positive outcomes for individuals and the society. He has developed gamification services in domains such as mental well-being promotion and alcohol consumption reduction. His works are published in top ranked journals in the field such as Journal of Services Theory and Practice (A), Journal of Services marketing (A), and Behaviour & Information Technology Journal (A).
Afshin is extremely passionate about using gamification, engaging industry partners, and including the latest research in his teaching. He has developed several game-based learning activities for different topics including digital marketing, sustainability, and business ethics.
Afshin has experience working in different industries such as publishing, automotive, and pharmaceuticals in different sales and marketing roles. Due to his industry background, he sees value in engaging different businesses into his courses as guest speakers, clients, and real cases to provide a learning experience tailored to the needs of industry.
Ph.D. (Marketing) - University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Master of Marketing Management - University of Tehran, Iran
Bachelor of Systems and Industrial Engineering
2024 Vice Chancellor's Award for Innovation in Teaching
2023 Vice-President and Executive Dean's Award for Innovation in Learning and Teaching
Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, UK)
Director of Flinders MBA
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