Dr Amanda Adams

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Tonsley Building (Rehab, FMC 4W330)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Dr Amanda Adams works currently as a Research Fellow with the Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) project. Her role in the ARIIA Project is to support and build the aged workforce knowledge and practical skills through the identification, synthesis and translation of research evidence. Amanda has experience creating tailored online content for diverse audiences including patient, carers, consumers and workforce of both the health and aged care sector. As a digital lead, her skills also extend to designing, developing, and evaluating technologies including websites, platforms and apps.

Amanda has also recently completed her PhD and is an Early Career Researcher with the Research Centre for Palliative Care, Death and Dying within the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Her research investigated how evaluations can improve universal health interface designs and how digital health literacy can influence how people interact with palliative care information. She has research interests that include:

  • Interdisciplinary usability evaluation practice,
  • Interface design influencing user experience of health information,
  • Accessibility, and
  • Impacts of the digital divide, social determinants of health and levels of digital competency on interaction behaviours between users experiencing digital exclusion and health information.
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
  • Graduate Diploma of Education - Grad.Dip.Ed
  • Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science - B.Sc(Hons)
Honours, awards and grants
  • Awarded 'Best Presentation Digital Health Week 2023' at the Digital Health and Informatics Network’s Digital Health Week 2023, 7th-9th February 2023, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria.
    Presentation: Adams A. Optimising app interface design for an under-served workforce – How co-designing with home careworkers has shaped a resource to support end-of-life care.
  • Adams, A. 2022. Exploring inclusive digital health technology solutions for Australian communities – How aligned are the priorities of our digital health agencies with the needs of the unintentionally excluded. Research Centre in Palliative Care, Death and Dying Kickstarter Grant ($5000).
Key responsibilities

Key responsibilities as a Research Fellow for the ARIIA Project:

  • Organise and facilitate research activities with members of the community, the aged care workforce and service providers to understand the context and environment of digital information use to create valuable digital resources for use within home care and residential aged care settings.
  • Undertaking appraisal and synthesis of research literature and practice resources on topics for identified to be of critical need of of the aged care sector, to translate research evidence into meaningful resources to support innovation and change.
  • Design, develop and undertake activities to assess levels of engagement, value, usefulness and impact by applying formative and summative evaluation methodologies including focus groups, interviews and surveys.
  • Establish networks and collaborate with key aged care stakeholder networks of academic experts, community organisations and consumers, and aged care representatives to create new and evaluate existing resources.
  • Prepare formal documentation and reporting of research - activities include ethics preparation, reporting of outcomes to project partners and commissioning funders and authoring research articles for publication within peer-reviewed journals.
Supervisory interests
Digital health
Health Internet of Things
Interaction design
Mobile technologies
Palliative care
Social determinants of health
Usability studies