Associate Professor
College of Science and Engineering
A/Prof Bart Eijkelkamp completed his Master's degree in Biomolecular Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2007. In the following year he commenced his PhD at Flinders University, investigating the antimicrobial resistance and virulence features of Acinetobacter baumannii, a highly significant human bacterial pathogen. Upon completion of his PhD in 2012, Bart took up a position as a post-doctoral researcher in the Research Centre for Infectious Diseases at the University of Adelaide. He continued his research into the resistance and virulence features of major bacterial pathogens, with a strong focus on the role of metal ions and host lipids on bacterial fitness. Whilst at the University of Adelaide, Bart was awarded a Beacon Research Fellowship which allowed him to establish his own research group. In 2019, he returned to Flinders University where he continued as a Research Academic in Microbiology. The Eijkelkamp Laboratory ( examines how the host nutritional status affects bacteria during infection.
PhD Molecular Microbiology - Flinders University 2012
MSc Molecular Biosciences - Vrije Univesiteit Amsterdam 2008
BSc Medical Microbiology - Saxion Hogeschool Enschede 2006
Research Grants/Fellowships:
Eijkelkamp, Cain, Ponton (Ideas Grant 2025-2027; $828k)
Eijkelkamp, Bahari, Widger (2024; $22,952)
Eijkelkamp to establish The Lipid Network (2023; $17k)
Schilling, Breed, Liddicoat, Eijkelkamp, … (2023-2029, $9.25m).
Eijkelkamp, Bahari, Dixon, Donnelley, Parsons, Widger (2023 – 2025) $49,890
CIC Discovery Project DP210100553 - Bacterial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon transport and degradation (2021 - 2023) $416,025
CIA Project Grant 1159752 - A molecular balancing act: Understanding metal ion homeostasis in A. baumannii during infection (2019 - 2021) $642,521
Microbial Imaging Unit - Microbial Microscopy; Olympus BX53 (2021) $45,000
Microbial Imaging Unit - Flow Cytometry for Microbial Analyses; AB Attune NxT (2020) $70,000
COVID-19 Urgent Research Scheme - Limiting the impact of underlying respiratory conditions to reduce COVID-19 death rates (2020) $43,610
Beacon Research Fellowship - Defining the role of zinc at the host-pathogen interface (2018 - 2021) $670,000
CIA Research Grant - Optimal dietary metal ion uptake and its role in protection against childhood bacterial disease (2016) $35,000
Travel Grants:
School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University $70,000
Lecturer in molecular biology, research group leader ( and research section lead (Molecular Sciences and Technology;