Academic Level D
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Dr Carol Irizarry is an Associate Professor in the College of Educaion, Psychology and Social Work.
She completed her MS at Columbia University in New York City returning to her home country Canada, where she was actively involved in supporting refugees from Latin America as well as migrants from Portugal and the Cape Verde islands.
Carol completed her PhD at Rutgers University in New Jersey on Children's Reactions to the Death of a Grandparent - a study that was actually conducted with school children in Adelaide after Carol had taken a position as a Lecturer at Flinders.
In 2000 Carol was instrumental in the development of the Adelaide Loss & Grief Centre, a partnership endeavour between Anglicare SA and Flinders University and she spearheaded an annual summer recreational program for refugee children, which was offered for 12 years until 20915. Flinders' social work students volunteered as helpers in those programs.
Carol helped initiate the recruitment of international stduents to social work programs at Flinders and has has a strong committment to their encouragement and supprot.
Publications include:
Irizarry, C. (2017) The Watusi Girls: a legacy of inspiration, Social Work with Groups, Special 40th Anniversary Double Issue, 40: 1/2, 51-54.
Irizarry, C & Miller, K (2016) Kinship Care: child safety or easy option? Staff and carers’ perspectives, Journal of Family Social Work, 19, 199-219. Taylor & Francis, Inc, Philadelphia, PA.
Nguyen, T., Irizarry, C., Garrett, R., & Downing, A. (2015). Access to mobile communications by older people. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 34(2),
Irizarry, C., Marlowe, J., Hallahan, L., Bull, M., (2015), Restoring Connections: social workers' practice wisdom towards achieving social justice, British Journal of Social Work, 46 (7): 1855-1871.
Ph.D. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
M.S. Columbia University, New York, New York
B.A. William Smith College, Geneva, New York
Carol's teaches an introductory MSW topic on Diverse Populations and a topic which is concurrent with the MSW students' first placment. She has taught topics on Bereavment and Loss and Interventions in Situations of Trauma. In 2018 she is part of deisgning and teaching a new topic:Loss, Grief and Trauma Counselling: human-animal interactions which will focus on contemport therapuetic practices using animals.
Carol was on the Academic board of Tabor College Adelaide from 2007 to 2017 and is a life member of Anglicare SA. She is on the Executive of STTARS Adelaide.
Recent conference presentation include:
“Unaccompanied humanitarian minors: culturally safe care and transition to life in Australia” National Foster & Kinship Care Conference, Darwin, June 2016. (with K Miller)
“Groupwork's Role in Achieving the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: Partnership in Australia” Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea, June 2016 (with C Cohen, G Berteau, S Ruwaida Abbas, A Howard, E Nau)
“A picture tells a thousand words: Using photovoice for reflection in social work education” Discovery and Innovation in Social Work Practicum Education International Conference, Hong Kong, May 2015. (with A Mian)
Group work as a conduit for research with vulnerable populations XXXVII Annual Symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups, Chapel Hill, N.C. June, 2015