Associate Professor Christele Maizonniaux

Associate Professor, French

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Social Sciences North
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Associate Professor Christèle Maizonniaux is an Applied Linguist at Flinders University. She is also a Chercheure Associée at the University Grenoble-Alpes (Lab. Litt.& Arts, CNRS).

She is passionate about Children's/Youth literature and the development of literacies (See book published in 2020- Université Grenoble Alpes-Editions).

She is currently involved in several funded research projects focusing on speech and language technologies for several languages of the Pacific, the world's most linguistically diverse region.

The projects are funded by the French Embassy in Canberra, the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in Paris.


Jointly awarded PhD - The Australian National University (Canberra) / Université Grenoble-Alpes, with the distinction "Très honorable avec félicitations du jury", 2013

Master of Research (French as a Foreign Language), Université du Mans, 2006

Mention FLE de la Licence (French as a Foreign Language), Université de Caen, 2001

MTeach (German Language, Literature & Culture), Université de Tours, 1993

BA (Honors) German Language, Literature & Culture, Université de Tours, 1992 (incl. a Semester at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Honours, awards and grants


2024. Australian-French Studies in the Pacific. "Hnalimen tusi: empower the generation of contextually relevant illustrations with C-LARA". (With colleagues from UniSA and Noumea).

2024. Franco-Australian Hubert Curien Program (FASIC). "Innovative approaches to speech and language technologies for the Pacific, the world's most lingusitically diverse region." (With Colleagues from UniSA, Aix-en-Provence/CNRS and Nouméa).

2024. Australia-France Social Science Collaborative Research Program. "T is for Treu, but how do you pronounce that? Integrating pronunciation respellings into multimodal learning resources." Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. (With colleagues from UniSA Aix/CNRS and Nouméa).

2022. Pacific Funds grant (Teaching Innovation). Creating multimodal learning resources for a Kanak language: The IAAI. Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Paris. (with colleagues from UniSA, UoA & UNC Nouméa).

2021. Seed grant (Teaching Innovation). Creating digital books on French Scientific explorations in Australia. State Governement of South Australia- Department of Premier and Cabinet.

2020. Small grant (with Dr Danielle Clode)- Documentary film- French Scientific Explorations in Australia. State Governement of South Australia- Department of Premier and Cabinet.

2020 Publication Grant- UMR LITT&ARTS CNRS et Université Grenoble-Alpes. Book: La littérature de jeunesse en classe de langue. Pour une Pédagogie de la créativité (sole authored monograph, 296 pages).

2020 Science Week SA Community Grant (with Dr Danielle Clode)- Documentary film- French Scientific Explorations in Australia.

2019 Brittany-SA Cultural Grant (with Dr Danielle Clode)- French Scientific explorations in Australia- Conseil Régional de Bretagne (Brittany Regional Council) et Conseil départemental du Finistère.

2018 SA-Brittany Research Grant (with Dr Danielle Clode)- French Scientific explorations in Australia- State Governement of South Australia- Department of Premier and Cabinet.


2019 SAFTA Award for Excellence: Development of strong professional relationships and contribution to the French teaching community

2016 Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law Excellence in Teaching Award

2016 Vice-Chancellor's Award for Early Career Researchers

Key responsibilities

Currently: Discipline Lead Languages, Linguistics, TESOL and Communication (LLTC), Coordinator of the Diploma in Languages (for the 5 languages offered at Flinders University).

Previously: Major Convenor (Languages & Applied Linguistics); Director of Studies (French); Coordinator (Indonesian), Bachelor of Languages coordinator.

Topic coordinator
FREN8003 French 2- Part 1 for Teachers
FREN2211 French Culture and Society I - Littérature niveau 1
FREN3211 French Culture and Society II- Littérature niveau 2 (Le fantastique) ou Territoire et Société
FREN2202 Intermediate French Part 2
FREN1202 Introductory French Part 2
FREN3302 Advanced French Part 2
FREN8004 French 2- Part 2 for teachers
FREN2201 Intermediate French Part 1
FREN1201 Introductory French Part 1
Topic lecturer
FREN3302 Advanced French Part 2
FREN8003 French 2-Part 1 for Teachers
FREN2202 Intermediate French Part 2
LANG8507 Special topic in Language Studies C
FREN8004 French 2- Part 2 for Teachers
FREN2201 Intermediate French Part 1
FREN1201 Introductory French Part 1
FREN3333 Special topic in French 2
FREN1202 Introductory French Part 2
  • French culture
  • Language learning and teaching