Dilnoza Ubaydullaeva

Lecturer (Teaching Specialist (Acad))

College of Business, Government and Law

place Social Science South
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dilnoza is a Lecturer in Government at Flinders University. Her research interests include securitisation theory, the nexus of security and policymaking in higher education, the geopolitics of Central Eurasia, Russian foreign policy in Central Asia and the politics of higher education internationalisation.

Dilnoza completed her PhD in Political Sciences and International Relations at the Australian National University. She was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Central Asia Program of the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University. Dilnoza’s research has been published in highly regarded journals such as Europe-Asia StudiesJournal of Political Ideologies, Central Asian Survey, Problems of Post-Communism, and Central Asian Affairs. In addition to her research, Dilnoza's teaching has been internationally accredited, and she is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. 


PhD in Political Sciences and International Relations, Australian National University.

MA in International Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

MA in English Linguistics, Uzbekistan State World Languages University.

BA in English Philology, Institute for English Language Teacher Education Program (IELTE). 

Honours, awards and grants
  • Australian National University “Excellence in Education Award” – 2023
  • Central Eurasian Studies Society Early Career Researcher Conference Grant - 2022
  • Fellow, Advance HE, UK Higher Education Academy -2022
  • Australian National University  Vice-Chancellor's Higher Degree Research Grant - 2022
  • Best PhD Paper Award, Australasian Association for Communist and Post-Communist Studies and the European Studies     Association of Australia and New Zealand - 2021
  • Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship - 2019
  • Central Asia Program Fellowship Grant, George Washington University - 2019
  • Outstanding Thesis Award, University of Tsukuba - 2013
  • Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) - 2012
Topic lecturer
GOVT8005 Ideas and Perspectives in Contemporary Public Policy
GOVT8010 Normative Approaches to International Relations
GOVT8014 Understanding Research
  • politics and security in Central Eurasia and Russia, higher education policy, internationalisation of higher educaiton