Professor Dirk Mallants

Academic Status

College of Science and Engineering

place Biological Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dirk has worked in soil and groundwater hydrology for more than 25 years and has experience in characterising and modelling water flow and contaminant transport in complex environments. Dr Mallants was previously Head of the Performance Assessments Unit at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN. In this role, he oversaw the safety assessment studies which were carried out for the Belgian repository for low-level radioactive waste. He was also involved with safety assessments for high-level vitrified nuclear waste for the proposed geologic repository in Boom Clay. Dr Mallants is widely published in the area of water-related environmental contamination issues and has delivered IAEA training courses concerning subsurface characterisation and safety assessments for wastes arising from the nuclear fuel cycle. He was involved with nuclear waste disposal research in Argentina, Bulgaria, China, Hungary, Indonesia, Malaysia, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and The Philippines.


PhD Soil Hydrology - University of Leuven, Belgium

Honours, awards and grants

Japan Society for Promotion of Science Long-Term Fellowship

Key responsibilities

Goyder Institute Research Advisory Committee