Emma Mackenzie

Manager, Curriculum Management

Academic Quality and Enhancement

place Sir Eric Neal - Engineering
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Emma joined the Flinders University Rural Clinical School in 2007 as the Administrative Assistant for the newly established Barossa Parallel Rural Community Curriculum. Twelve months later she was appointed the Program Administrator. In 2013, Emma moved to back to Adelaide as the Rural Liaison Officer for the Rural Clinical School before moving to the pilot Longitudinal Integrated Flinders Training (LIFT) program in the School of Medicine. In 2013 Emma moved into a senior administrative role in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, supporting teaching and learning in the School of Nursing & Midwifery. Today, she is based at the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT) and enjoys the views from her office at the top of the lake whilst supporting educational quality and evaluation within the university.

B.A.(Hons) University of Melbourne 1991
Certificate IV in Frontline Management 2012
Key responsibilities

Key responsibilities include:

  1. Providing services and advice for topic reviews, 5-yearly course reviews and course accreditation processes, including administering the provision and storage of data and record keeping of outcomes.
  2. Identifying and compiling relevant student experience and course/topic related data to enable effective reflection and identification of improvement opportunities within the colleges.
  3. Effectively assisting and facilitating the process of new course/topic approval, changes to topics/courses and topic/course discontinuation that is in accordance with University policies and procedures.
  4. Providing expert advice on course structures for course changes and discontinuations to ensure positive student outcomes.
  5. Providing advice on the requirements related to third party agreements and articulation arrangements.
  6. Assisting in developing an action plan and changes to processes or systems to respond to areas of improvement and feedback to students and where appropriate facilitating the connection to other support areas.
  7. Working closely with Student Administration Services to ensure consistency and accuracy of topic and course changes in the student information system.
  8. Maintaining a data base of course reviews and outcomes including recommendations