Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences
College of Science and Engineering
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Applied and Pure)
Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)
PhD (Applied Mathematics)
I work full-time as a teaching specialist in mathematical sciences based in the College of Science and Engineering and a member of the College of Science and Engineering STEM Academy.
I am currently the course co-ordinator for the Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences and Deputy Teaching Program Director for Computing and Mathematical Sciences.
As a teaching specialist in mathematics, I am interested in new methods of teaching that improve learning. I am particularly interested in investigating better ways to guide students through new material and finding ways of providing specialised assistance. In mathematics, I believe we have a large responsibility to help how students view mathematics and to ensure they believe in their capability to learn. I like to find ways to reduce the expectation on memorisation and istead focus on deeper conceptual appreciation.
I am very interested to show students the human side of mathmatics. This includes highlighting the diverse cultures that have studied mathematics, along with the different ways of thinking and discovering knowledge. I also want to ensure that classes reflect that mathematics is a human activity, which is done collaboratively, creatively, and by combining different approaches and ideas. These are all ongoing interests and things that I am still workiing to improve on.
My teaching expertise is mainly in concepts related to calculus, from first principals through to advanced methods in applied mathematics, differential equations and basic analysis. I have experience with material from high school level through to graduate topics.
I am currently the South Australian Representative on the AustMS Standing Comittee on Mathematics Education.
As a member of ANZIAM, I have served as the ANZIAM Early Career Representative and as a SA Branch Committee member. I was on the organising committees of ANZIAM 2017 and AustMS 2019, and across these conferences I acted as website editor, ran the social media, co-ordinated registration, edited and compiled the conference books, and contributed to the general organisation. I also ran the AMSI-ANZIAM Early Career Workshop 2018, co-organised the 2024 ANZIAM SA meeting.
I regularly participate in outreach events, and have most recently been a mentor for the AMSI CHOOSEMATHS programme, given both university-based and public talks on popular mathematics, and have run activities for school students.