Academic Status
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work
Associate Professor Helen Askell-Williams is now retired. In the past she has worked on collaborative research projects including investigations about teachers' and learners' knowledge about learning, and research about promoting student wellbeing and positive mental health. She has conducted focused interviews with teachers and students in Primary, Secondary, and University settings. In addition, she has designed, conducted and analysed large scale surveys to assess components of students' academic, social and emotional wellbeing. She has coordinated and taught topics in Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice, and Mental Health Promotion in Educational Settings.
South Australian Premier's Award for Postgraduate Research in Lifelong Learning
ANZ bank prize in Teacher Education
Grants & Tenders
Askell-Williams, H., Wade, T., Schuwirth, L. & Humphrey, N. 2017-2019. Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant. Sustainability of Effective Educational Initiatives.
Skrzypiec, G., Askell-Williams, H., Slee, P.T., Rudzinski, A. 2013. Student Wellbeing in the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program. International Baccalaureate Organisation.
Slee, P.T, Skrzypiec, G., Dix, K., Askell-Williams, H., Murray-Harvey, R., & Krieg, S. 2012.
Evaluation of KidsMatter Early Childhood in services with high proportions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. beyondblue.
Askell-Williams, H., Cefai, C. 2011-2012. Living and Learning at School in Malta. Flinders Small Grant.
Askell-Williams, H., Lawson, M.J., Slee, P., Wyra, M., Skrzypiec, G. 2010-2012. Living and Learning at School: A Longitudinal Study. Flinders Large Grant.
Askell-Williams, H.: Positive mental health in schools 2010-2011. Australian Academy of Science.
Cefai, C.; Askell-Williams, H., Cooper, P., Hughes, L., Grandin. 2011-2013. Positive mental health in schools. European Union Marie Curie Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES).
Slee, P.T, Murray-Harvey, R., Krieg, S., Lawson, M.J., Askell-Williams, H., Dix, K., Skrzypiec, G. 2010-2011. Evaluation of KidsMatter Early Childhood beyondblue.
Lawson, M.J., Slee, P.T, Owens, L., O'Toole, P.K., Gregory, K.D., Askell-Williams, H. 2007-2009. Building the capabilities of school communities to improve their wellbeing. ARC: Linkage Grant.
Slee, P.T, Lawson, M.J., Askell-Williams, H., Owens, L., Gregory, K., Spears, B., Kay, D. 2006-2009. Evaluation of KidsMatter Primary in 100 Australian schools. beyondblue.
Lead Chief Investigator: Australian Research Council Grant: Sustaining Effective Educational Initiatives