Senior Lecturer in Clinical Education
College of Medicine and Public Health
Dr Helena Ward is a microbiologist who studied at The University of Adelaide and gained her PhD on serotype variation in Vibrio cholerae. She has post-doctoral research experience in microbiology, molecular biology and in the pharmaceutical biotechnology industry.
She has extensive experience in Health Professional Education from her work with the Flinders University and Adelaide University Medical Schools. Helena has expertise in a number of areas in Health Professional Education including assessment design, curriculum development and interprofessional learning and has published her work in medical education and health profession education journals.
Helena is a topic coordinator in the Prideaux Discipline of Clinical Education and supervises Master of Clinical Education by Course work students' research projects.
PhD (Microbiology) – University of Adelaide
BSc; BSc (Hons – Microbiology) – University of Adelaide
Teaching and research - Prideaux Discipline in Clinical Education
Topic coordinator and lecturer in Clinical Education
Topic Coordinator: HLED9108 Research Skills in Clinical Edication: Evidence Synthesis