Jane Taylor Matison

Associate Lecturer (Teaching Specialist (Acad))

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Jane had a 10+ year career in health promotion before coming to academia at Flinders University. Jane has experience working in health promotion across a range of settings.

Jane has worked in Speech Pathology 2014 topic coordinating, lecturing, tutoring and marking in a range of topics across the bachelor and masters programs. 

Jane has also worked in Health Sciences since 20222 topic coordinating, lecturing, tutoring and marking in "Health Promotion for Health Professionals". Students from a diverse range of bachelor programs are enrolled in this topic.


Bachelor of Health Sciences

Master of Health Promotion

Key responsibilities

Topic Coordinator HLTH1101, SPTH9127, SPTH9120 and SPTH9220.

Lecturing in HLTH1101, SPTH9121, SPTH9120 and SPTH9220.

EBL tutor in SPTH9127.

Topic coordinator
SPTH9127 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 4
SPTH9120 Speech Pathology Research Methods
SPTH9220 Research in Practice
HLTH1101 Health Promotion for Health Professionals
Topic lecturer
HLTH1101 Health Promotion for Health Professionals
SPTH9120 Speech Pathology Research Methods
SPTH9121 Professional Studies and Communication Sciences 1
SPTH9220 Research in Practice