Dr Jarrad Kowlessar

Lecturer in Archaeological Science

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Dr Jarrad Kowlessar is a Lecturer in Archaeological Science at Flinders University. He specializes in innovative digital methods for archaeological research, leveraging cutting-edge technology to advance the field. His work applies principles from machine learning, data science, virtual reality, and interactive game engines to archaeological applications.

His areas of research include machine learning, virtual reality, geophysics, and remote sensing. These tools have been employed across diverse projects in landscape archaeology, rock art studies, and both terrestrial and marine geophysics. His past research has also contributed to detecting unmarked graves, shipwrecks, and reconstructing past environmental landscapes and the impacts of past climate changes.

Jarrad is currently researching new ML applications to the analysis of style in Rock art, as well as ceramics through 3d scanning data. His research is also developing machine learning applications for large scale landscape analysis focused on mapping geomorphological features of archaeological significance in the Simpson and Strzelecki desert.

Jarrad has a passion for understanding and communicating the past using technology which can help bridge the gap between archaeological data and human experience.


PhD, Archaeology, Flinders University

Masters Maritime Archaeology, Flinders University

Graduate Certificate in Screen and Media production, Flinders University

Batchelor of Applied Geographic Information Systems (Hons), Flinders University

Honours, awards and grants

Early Career Research Seed Funding grants, 2024

Research featured on Chief Scientist of SA’s Best of the Best Campaign, 2021