Jennifer Fish


College of Nursing and Health Sciences

+61 8 74219317
place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dr Jen Fish is a Lecturer in Health Sciences at Flinders University. She specialises in teaching health psychology, research methods, and interpersonal communication skills.


PhD in psychology

Honours, awards and grants

Flinders University Research Scholarship (2014 – 2017)

Key responsibilities

Health Sciences First Year Coordinator

HLTH1304: Interpersonal and Interprofessional Communication (Topic Coordinator and Tutor)

HLTH2105: Health – A psychological perspective (Topic Coordinator and Tutor)

HLTH1010: Research and Study Skills 1 (Tutor)

Teaching interests

Effective communication skills in healthcare

Reflective practice

Health psychology

Qualitative and quantitative research methods

Topic coordinator
HLTH1304 Interpersonal and Interprofessional Communication
HLTH2105 Health - A psychological perspective