Jolyn Johal

Casual Professional

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Sturt North
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

An accredited practising dietitian who has worked as a Senior Dietitian at the National University Hospital for 6 years in both clinical and research roles, and as a Field Editor at JBI for a year. She is currently a PhD candidate in Healthy Ageing and Primary Care, and a Dietitian working across various aged care facilities in SA.

She is drawn towards the field of aged care, palliative care and cancer care, due to her personal experiences of having witnessed a loved one walk through this journey. She believes in working to optimise the quality of life of people in these stages, and is also interested in upstream work in prevention.


2015: Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (First Class Honours), Flinders University

Honours, awards and grants

2015 Dietitians Australia (South Australia Branch) Prize in Nutrition & Dietetics

2015 Flinders University Medal

2015 Chancellor's Letter of Commendation

2012, 2013 and 2014 National University Health System (Singapore) Gold Book Prize Award

2011 to 2014 Ministry of Health (Singapore) Health Science and Nursing Scholarship