Senior Lecturer in Public Health and Health Equity
College of Medicine and Public Health
Research area and interests:
My research has a broad scope, but the uniting elements typically revolving around Mental Health and Wellbeing.
My expertise is essentially in psychiatric epidemiology, and generally focuses on the following topic domains:
Specific disorders/conditions of interest:
Methods: I am interested in both the strategic identification of data, which, through collaborative team formation, can enable investigation of an extensive range of factors related to an outcome of interest. These data may be analysed independently, or combined through data ‘harmonisation’ to ‘value-add’ a meta-dataset.
Intervention-oriented designs - such as randomised control trials
Further, in addition to my interest in more standard epidemiological designs and intervention approaches, I am keen to collaborate with researchers and students interested to investigate twins' data using biometric twin modelling. Prior knowledge of R and/or Stata programs would be useful, but not essential.
BSc (Psychology Major; ANU); PhD (ANU)
Available for guest lecturing
Society for Mental Health Research
International Association for Suicide Prevention