Kirrilly Thompson

Senior Research Fellow

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

My work with NCETA focusses on workplace interventions and workforce development in the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) sector.

Since graduating with a PhD in Cultural Anthropology, I have been conducting applied ethnographic and mixed methods research projects to identify the socio-cultural dimensions of complex human, animal and environmental issues.

I have researched a diverse range of topics including the culture of alcohol in Australian rules football, organisational risk management, natural disaster preparedness, train driver fatigue, passenger railway crowding, domestic food waste, risk perception, personal protective and biosecurity practices, One Health and academic leadership.

Essentially, I research why people think they do what they do, to inform novel and effective initiatives for behaviour change.

My publications portfolio includes over 100 peer-review articles, chapters, edited volumes, manuscripts, reports and magazine articles (Scopus h index = 18). I have published five articles in The Conversation, co-authored the book ‘(Un)Stable Relations: Horses, Humans and Social Agency’ (Routledge, 2018) and co-edited two volumes.

For a full list of publications, please refer to


PhD Social Science (2007), The University of Adelaide.

Honours, awards and grants

2015 - ABC Radio National Top 5 Scientist Under 40.

2015 - CQUni Vice Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Mid Career Researcher.

2015 - CQUni Opal Award for Engaged Research.

2013 - ARC DECRA recipient.

Key responsibilities

Senior Research Fellow with the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction.

Supervisory interests
Applied anthropology
Drug and alcohol addiction
Inequalities and addiction
Organisational culture
Qualitative research
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Various (4)
Associate supervisor: Various (7)
The Conversation