Senior Lecturer
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
I am currently Lecturer in Women’s and Gender Studies at Flinders University. Prior to this position I taught Gender Studies and Philosophy at The University of Queensland (2016-2019). Although I now reside in Australia, on Kaurna land, I am from South Africa and began my undergraduate studies in Drama and Philosophy at The University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa during the early years of the post-apartheid transition to democracy. My research interests include feminist philosophy and politics, post/decolonial theory, feminist pedagogy, contemporary social movements and, more recently, feminist cities. My monograph Irigaray and Politics: A Critical Introduction (published by Edinburgh University Press) was published in June 2019.
PhD, Philosophy, The University of Queensland, Australia (2015)
Course Coordinator, Postgraduate Programs in Women's and Gender Studies
Feminist Philosophy, Post/Decolonial Theory, European Social Philosophy
Co-Director of The Irigaray Circle (2018-2022) -
Co-Founder of the Queensland School of Continental Philosophy
Media Engagement:
'Freedom of the City', The Philosopher’s Zone, Radio National, ABC, Thursday 10 May 2018
Higher Ed Heroes Podcast hosted by Dr Sebastian Kaempf and Dr Al Stark, University of Queensland, January 2022
Laura Roberts on Lewis Hamilton’s name change, ABC Radio National Drive Show with Andy Clarke, March 2022