Mark Brommeyer

Senior Lecturer

College of Business, Government and Law

place Law & Commerce
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Mark has spent over fourty years in the health sector, with significant experience in digital health strategy, change, training and risk management across primary, secondary and tertiary care. Mark has provided healthcare consultancy, training and change management services in public and private health sectors in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, China, Singapore, Indonesia, India, Oman, England, Ireland and Wales.

Mark is a Senior Lecturer in Health Care Management, Flinders University, where he has developed a Health Informatics course which he delivers in China, Singapore and Australia for the Master of Health Administration award, as well as lecturing in Strategic Management in Health and Aged Care, and Clinical Governance and Risk Management. In 2023, Mark co-designed a Graduate Certificate in Digital Health Management, including the development of two new HACM8003 Digital Health and HACM8004 Virtual Health, Innovation and Co-design topics, which are now also taught in the Health Care Management post-graduate suite of programs.

Mark trained as a Registered Nurse, he is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health, a Fellow of the Institute of Management and Leadership, an Associate Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management, a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Certified Health Informatician Australia (CHIA) and Change Management Professional (CMP). Mark is undertaking his Doctor of Philosophy research exploring Digital Health Competencies for Health Service Managers.

  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD (candidate), James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia: Digital Health Competencies for Health Service Managers (August 2021 - current)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (candidate), University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia: Health Informatics Competencies for Health Service Managers (July 2019 - August 2021)
  • Master of Educational Administration, University of New England, Armidale, Australia (1998)
  • Graduate Diploma in Nursing Education (Faculty Medal), University of New England, Armidale, Australia (1992)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing), Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (1990)
  • Registered General Nurse (Certificate), Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia (1986)
Honours, awards and grants

Graduate Diploma in Nursing Education (Faculty Medal), University of New England, Armidale, Australia (1992)

Inaugural Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) Honour Roll

Key responsibilities

Create, coordinate and conduct inspiring teaching informed by approaches that enhance the student experience, with a focus on Health Care Management topics, across all levels and modes of the College, with a focus on clinical skills training and/or supervision of students undertaking work integrated learning.

Contribute to the planning and evaluation of Health Care Management topics, undertaking the roles of Topic Coordinator and Couse Coordinator as required.

Play a lead role in the review, renewal, development and design of curricula and courses that are attractive to existing and new cohorts of students and that nurture creativity and critical-thinking skills.

Provide support, academic counselling and professional advice to students concerning their studies, professional development and career opportunities.

Provide educational leadership and dissemination of best practice, ensuring awareness and utilisation of contemporary education principles.

Engage in coaching, mentoring, supervising student projects; research higher degree supervision as an Adjunct Supervisor.

Contribute at a significant level in the College’s administrative activities such as leadership on committees and working groups and attendance at and/or coordination of College meetings.

Significant involvement in and/or leading activities relating to internal and external compliance and professional accreditation of courses.

Engage in activities within a relevant external professional domain such as professional associations, conferences and workshops, and within a wider community context at local, national or international level.

Provide leadership in, coordination of, development of and/or leading international activities including student mobility programs, internationalisation of curricula and ensuring the relevance of curricula to international students or that enhance intercultural skills development in students.

Provide high quality contribution to community service on behalf of the College and University, with a focus on opportunities that maintain clinical/professional skills currency.

Undertake activities that promote the development of productive partnerships to provide opportunities for students and promote graduate employability.

Topic coordinator
HACM8004 Virtual Health, Innovation and Co-Design
HSMT9021 Health Informatics
HSMT9006A Strategic Management
HACM9206 Health Informatics
HACM9300 Strategic Leadership and Management in Health and Aged Care
HACM8003 Digital Health
HSMT9007A Risk Management and Clinical Governance