Dr Mia Pellizzer

Research Fellow

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Social Sciences North
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I am the Placement Coordinator for postgraduate psychology students, coordinating all placements and providing support to students and supervisors. I lecture in Evidence Based Interventions and am passionate about teaching, supervising, and mentoring the next generation of psychologists.

I am also a Research Fellow for Professor Tracey Wade under her NHMRC Investigator grant, developing and testing transdiagnostic approaches to early intervention for eating disorders in youth.

My research is focused on body image in a variety of clinical and health settings, including eating disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, peripartum women, and endometriosis. I am interested and have expertise in co-design and qualitative methodology.


BPsych(Hons) (Flinders)

PhD(Clinical Psychology) (Flinders)

Honours, awards and grants
  • Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation Scholarship (ANZAED conference attendance) (2019)
  • Australian Government Research Training Program (2015 - 2018)
  • ANZAED Peter Beumont Young Investigator Award (2018)
  • PhD Publications Award (2016, 2017, 2018)
  • FUSA Development Grant (2017)
  • Shortlisted for the Menzies Foundation Allied Health Sciences Scholarship (2016)
  • Flinders University Medal (2015)
  • Chancellor's Letter of Commendation (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014)
  • Summer Scholarship in Psychology with Dr Tim Windsor (2013)
  • Admission to Golden Key International Honours Society (2010)
Key responsibilities

Placement Coordinator

Teaching interests

I am the placement coordinator for all psychology postgraduate students and am the current topic coordinator and lecturer for PSYC9014 Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

I have guest lecturered covering topics such as Family Based Therapy and eating disorders, co-design, and working in a multidisciplinary team.

I have previously been a tutor and marker for a range of undergraduate psychology topics.

Topic coordinator
PSYC9201 Practicum C
PSYC9011A Practicum B
PSYC9011 Practicum B
PSYC9010A Practicum A
PSYC9010 Practicum A
PSYC9215 Professional Practicum
PSYC9012 Practicum C
Topic lecturer
PSYC9213 Evidence Based Interventions