Senior Lecturer in Clinical Education
College of Medicine and Public Health
I am a Lecturer in Health Professions Education with the Prideaux Discipline of Clinical Education. As a clinician educator, I have a background working as a general practitioner and in palliative care. Since 2010 I have been involved in clinical education and research, including in the development, implementation and evaluation of programmatic assessment and entrustable professional activities for general practitioners. I have also worked for the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in several different roles, including most recently as the Senior Medical Advisor for development of the National Vocational Training Syllabus, developing the new RACGP training syllabus and undertaking the 2022 Curriculum review. My most recent educational research has been a series of studies focusing on what is fair assessment.
PhD (Flinders University, 2024)
FANZHPE (2022)
MPH (James Cook University, 2012)
FRACGP (2011)
GradCertHealth (Palliative Care) (Flinders University, 2009)
MBBS (University of Adelaide, 2004)