Academic Status
College of Medicine and Public Health
Simon Brookes was awarded his PhD in 1984 for studies on the nervous system of insects. From this he developed a continuing interest in simple neural circuits. He did post-doctoral research in the Royal London Hospital, then moved to Flinders University in 1988. He has been funded by senior research fellowships from the Gastroenterological Society and NHMRC of Australia. In 2005, he was appointed Professor and Head of Human Physiology at Flinders University. Simon's research focusses on how nerve cells work together to give coordinated control of the organs of the body and how they go wrong in disease. His interests range from the molecular level through to the whole organism. He has worked extensively on 'simple' autonomic and sensory pathways to the gut and has published over 200 papers, chapters and reviews. He was convenor of the Centre for Neuroscience for 6 years (2005 - 2011).
Editorial boards: Autonomic Neuroscience, Basic and Clinical (-2008) Neurogastroenterology and motility
American Journal of Physiology (GI & Liver) (-2009), Frontiers in Autonomic Neuroscience (2009-)
Secretary of South Australian Neuroscience Institute (SANI)
Member/Chairman of International Steering Committee, Emerging Leaders Program, Gothenburg Sweden 2005-2009
Grant Referee: NH&MRC, ARC, FMC Foundation, Faculty of Health Sciences Grant Ctee,
Member Grant Review Panel NHMRC: 2001-3, 2008-9; NHMRC Senior Fellowships Panel 2011,2012
Referee for Scientific Journals: Journal of Physiology, Gut, Gastroenterology etc
Founding President of Australasian NeuroGastroenterology and Motility Association (ANGMA - 2012)