Supun Hasthimuni

Associate Lecturer in Social Work (Teaching Specialist Academic)

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

A social worker majoring in community development, Supun commenced his career in community development as an engagement officer (and subsequent founder) of the Adelaide chapter of Australia's oldest and most globally storied youth organization. The Brussels based Young Christian Workers. 
Which over time has become South Australia's fastest-growing grassroot organizations drawing support and funding from various sources. A testament to his focus on posterity and handing work over to the future. On top of masterful strategic alignment that continues to benefit colleagues and collaborators alike. 

Scoped out initially for his keen mind for development Supun is known for transforming groups and collectives into thriving, vibrant communities. Moving on to a leadership role within South Australia's largest community portfolio where Supun left a striking trail of results.
Specializing in volunteer management, work-integrated learning, community capacity building, and strategic development Making him a familiar and highly respected voice in the community development space in Adelaide. Known for his exemplary community leadership, vast network of collaborators, and eye for talent, he is a platform for emerging community leaders bringing a wealth of experience that is hard earned and rooted in community impact. 

Having gathered priceless teaching(HE) experience with South Australia's leading private education providers he has transitioned into academia to pursue an instinctive love for sharing knowledge and empowering future social workers. Teaching through the lens of social-emotional learning he is an engaging lecturer known for creating memorable experiences and driving positive student outcomes. 
Born and raised in Sri Lanka during the tumultuous civil war era he brings lived experience of complex trauma and a lifetime of championing change and caring for the community.  


Master of Social Work (Flinders University) 

Bachelor of Communication (Deakin University) 

Advanced Certificate In broadcasting/ Media training (Pro Global)



Topic coordinator
SOAD4008 Proffesional judgement and decision making
Topic lecturer
SOAD9926 Social work with groups and communities
  • Community development
  • Multiculturalism
  • Performance art