Susie Grigson

Casual Academic

College of Science and Engineering

place Biological Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Susanna (Susie) Grigson is a PhD student at the Flinders Accelerator for Microbiome Exploration (FAME) laboratory. Her current research combines bioinformatics and mathematics to develop probabilistic models for annotating viral genomes.

  • PhD Student, 2022 - present (Flinders University): Synteny-based, probabilistic genome annotation of viral proteins.
  • Honours in Microbial Ecology (First Class), 2021 (Flinders University): Dynamics of microbial communities during continual migration.
  • Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology & Biochemistry), 2017-2021 (Flinders University).
  • Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), 2018-2020 (Flinders University).
Honours, awards and grants
  • Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship - 2022.
  • Max Clarke Prize in Science and Engineering - 2021.
  • Soroptimist International Southern Districts of Adelaide Prize for High Achieving Women - 2021.
  • Playford Trust Honours Scholarship - 2021.
Key responsibilities

I am currently demonstrating and tutoring for the following topics:

  • BIOL1102: Molecular Basis of Life
  • MATH1121: Mathematics 1A