Dr Timna Garnett


College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Timna is a teaching specialist lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Flinders University. She teaches science and technologies topics within Early Childhood and Primary Years Initial Teacher Education degrees, in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

Before working at Flinders University, Timna was an Educational Designer, a science and technology teacher, and an animal scientist.

Timna has a PhD and an interest in STEM learning and conservation education. Her current scholarship of teaching research focuses on exploring the role of situated learning (at the zoo) and professional learning experiences for pre-service teachers. She has a special interest in supporting teachers to use digital technologies effectively and creatively.


B.App.Sci., B.Teach (Sec), M.Capt.Vert.Mgt., M.Ed(EdRes), M.Ed(ECT), PhD

Honours, awards and grants

Flinders University Teaching Excellence 2021 (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).

Vice Chancellors Innovative for Teaching Commendation 2023

Key responsibilities

Developing and teaching the science specialisation for Early and Primary Years (curriculum specialisations)

Teaching interests

Focus areas: Science and Technologies (Technology, Design and Engineering)

Interest in: Conservation education. Nature-based learning. STEM education for early years. Robotics for children.

Topic coordinator
EDUC9314 Multimodal Childhoods
EDUC9315 STEM: Growing a Generation of New Learners
EDUC9403 Numeracy and Multiliteracies in Design and Technology
EDUC9127 Thinking and working scientifically in the Early Years
EDUC1240 Exploring a changing world
EDUC1241 Inquiring in a new world
EDUC3618 Discovering Technologies Thinking for the Numerate and Literate Child
EDUC4724 Thinking and working scientifically in the Early Years
Topic lecturer
EDUC9314 Multimodal Childhoods
EDUC9315 STEM: Growing a Generation of New Learners
EDUC4724 Thinking and working scientifically in the Early Years
EDUC9127 Thinking and working scientifically in the Early Years
EDUC9403 Numeracy and Multiliteracies in Design and Technology
EDUC1241 Inquiring in a new world
EDUC1240 Exploring a changing world
EDUC3618 Discovering Technologies Thinking for the Numerate and Literate Child