Reverend Doctor Vicky Balabanski

Academic Status

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Adelaide College of Divinity
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Rev Dr Vicky Balabanski is senior lecturer in New Testament at Flinders University Department of Theology and Director of Biblical Studies at the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology. She has lived and worked in various parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia, including a year in Jerusalem as the Golda Meir post-doctoral fellow at the Hebrew University. he is a team member and editor of the international Earth Bible Project, which has produced a series of books that seek to read the Bible in the shadow of the ecological crisis facing the Earth community. She has written for various feminist collections. Vicky was ordained in the Uniting Church in 2011. She is actively involved in supporting the development of indigenous writers in the field of spirituality.

PhD University of Melbourne 1993 Department of Classics and Near Eastern Studies.
Bachelor of Divinity, Melbourne College of Divinity, 1986
Bachelor of Arts, Honours, University of Melbourne, 1982
Honours, awards and grants

2017 Member of the SNTS (Studiorum novi testamenti societas), the international society of New Testament studies

2012, March, Visiting scholar, Diocese of Madras, Church of South India
2011, January, Visiting scholar, McGilvary College of Divinity, Chiang Mai, Thailand
1996 Post-doctoral fellow, Orion Centre,Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1988-1989 Swiss Government scholarship, Berne, Switzerland
1987-1988 Robert Maddox scholarship, Jerusalem, Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise.
1981 DAAD German Government Scholarship, Berlin.

Key responsibilities

Director of Biblical Studies, Director of the Forum on Religion and Ecology, Australia Pacific Region, Higher Education supervisor.

Teaching interests
Interpretation of New Testament texts, particularly Gospels.
Biblical (Koine) Greek
Topic coordinator
THEO1201 Interpreting the New Testament
THEO2704 Biblical Greek 1
THEO3002 Biblical Hermeneutics: Making Sense of the Bible
THEO3218 John's Gospel and the Johannine Epistles
THEO3705 Biblical Greek 2
THEO3706 Biblical Greek 3
THEO8103 Ecology and the Bible
THEO1204 Synoptic Studies. Engaging the Gospel of Matthew, Mark or Luke
Supervisory interests
Religious studies
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Gift of the Spirit in Greco-Roman (1)
Associate supervisor: New Testament (5), Spiritual Affections and the Pastoral Disposition (1)
Principal supervisor: Mark's Gospel, feminist hermeneutics, Paul and Stoic thought, Ephesian household code and postcolonial hermeneutics (3), Pagan, Jewish and Christian monotheism in western Asia Minor using assimilation theory (1), Kurios in the Gospel of John (1), Lay People's Understanding of Forgiveness of Sins: A Hermeneutical Comparion of John 20:19-23 between Exegetes and Lay People (1), Irony in the Fourth Gospel (1)
Associate supervisor: Syrophoenician woman in Mark's Gospel, Colossians and material culture (2), A ‘history of influence’ study of John Baptist de La Salle’s recourse to the Bible, with particular reference to the Gospel of Matthew 4.23-10.8 (1)
Expert for media contact
Feminist Interpretation of The New Testament
Jewish Queen Alexandra
New Testament Greek
New Testament Studies
Available for contact via
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Media expertise
  • Religion
  • Eco-Theology
  • Feminist Interpretation of The New Testament
  • Jewish Queen Alexandra
  • New Testament Greek
  • New Testament Studies