Professor Vincent Bulone

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance and Impact)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)

place Registry (B18.4)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Professor Vincent Bulone is a Matthew Flinders Professor and Director of the Centre for Marine Bioproducts Development.

Until his rectuiment in August 2022 at Flinders University, Vincent was the Director of Adelaide Glycomics, an analytical centre for complex carbohydrates which he established in collaboration with Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd. Additionally, Vincent was the Director of the Research Consortium Program for Agricultural Product Development supported by the South Australian Department for Industry, Innovation and Science, focusing on the conversion of agricultural waste into high-value products. Vincent was also the Research Director of the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre which is instrumental in addressing Australia's $20 billion food waste situation.

Following his transition to Flinders University in August 2022, Vincent has establised a new multiomic analytical platform, including glycomics, again in partnership with Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd.

Vincent’s research is focused in various areas of Glycoscience, comprising fundamental research on algae, plants and microorganisms, as well as biotechnological developments towards carbohydrate-based products relevant to the following areas: Marine Biotechnology, Biorefinery, Agriculture and Waste Management, Food Sustainability, Bioenergy, Biomaterials, and Disease Control.

Vincent was a member of the Australian Research Council’s College of Experts and former Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls. Prior to his recruitment in Adelaide, Vincent was the Director of the Centre for Biomimetic Fibre Engineering and the Advanced Carbohydrate Materials Consortium in Stockholm, Sweden. Vincent is the founder of the spin-out company CarbOzide Pty Ltd in Adelaide. The company exploits his recent invention on UV protective materials based on carbohydrates and natural molecular sunscreens from algae.


PhD in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - University of Lyon (France), 1992

Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Genetics, Differentiation & Immunology - University of Lyon, 1989

Master of Science (Maitrise) in Biochemistry - University of Lyon, 1989

Honours, awards and grants

Bruce A. Stone Award for Excellence in Cell Wall Polysaccharide Biochemistry - 2010

EU Fellowship - 1996

Australian Research Council Fellowship - 1994

Key responsibilities

- Director of the Centre for Marine Bioproducts development and Research Group Leader

- Flinders lead for research projects supported by Flinders University, the Marine Biotech CRC and its industry partners

Teaching interests

Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Glycoscience

Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Biomass conversion (2), Marine Biotechnology (3)