Professor Wendy Van Duivenvoorde

Professor, Maritime Archaeology

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

place Humanities
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Dr Wendy van Duivenvoorde is a professor of maritime archaeology at Flinders University. She is a recognized authority in seafaring, shipbuilding, technology and knowledge transfer, cultural contact, and maritime cultural heritage. Her research primarily examines global seafaring, including historical and archaeological studies of Western Australia's early European shipwrecks and shipbuilding in the Australian colonies. Additionally, she is passionate about ancient ships and seafaring, having contributed to the 3rd-century Kyrenia Ship project for over 20 years. Her regional focus spans Australasia, the Indian Ocean, and Europe, and she holds specialized expertise in legacy data, maritime landscape studies, archaeological artefacts, maritime museum collections, waterlogged and in-situ conservation, dendrochronology, archaeometallurgy, and archaeometry.


Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology (Nautical Archaeology), Texas A&M University (2008)
Masters of Arts, Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Amsterdam (2000)
Propedeuse, Art History, University of Amsterdam (1993)

Honours, awards and grants

Awards in the last 10 years:

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Innovation in Teaching Award, 2022 (team award);
  • Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Team Award for Innovation in Teaching (for Microcredential MICR-PSDC Professional Scientific Diver), 2022 (team award);
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Higher Degree Research Supervision, 2020;
  • Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Excellence in Research Supervision Award 2020;
  • John Lyman Book Award, Naval and Maritime Science and Technology, North American Society for Oceanic History (NASOH), 2015 (for Dutch East India Company Shipbuilding);
  • Flinders University Institute for Research in the Humanities Fellow 2015;
  • Flinders University Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Early Career Researchers 2013.

Grants (a selection from the last 10 years):

  • Australia Awards Fellowship, Maritime Cultural Heritage: Protection, Conservation, Tourism, and Management, Round 18, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (R180959). Awarded: 22 May 2023, $272,626.71, 2023-2024;
  • ARC Linkage, Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories, Chief Investigator (LP210300960), 2023-2027;
  • Australia-France Social Science Collaborative Research Program, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Chief Investigator, 2022-2024;
  • ARC Linkage, Reuniting cargoes: Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Maritime Silk Route, Chief Investigator (LP210200165), 2022-2026;
  • ARC Discovery, Before Cook: Contact, Negotiation and the Archaeology of the Tiwi Islands, Chief Investigator, 2020-2026;
  • George and Ann Bass Endowment for Nautical Archaeology Publications, The Kyrenia Ship Publication: The Hull, Rigging, and Equipment,, 2020;
  • Cultural Foundation, Netherlands Embassy, 2019; (Activity no. GCE-2017-03), 2018; (Activity no. GCE-2017-03), 2017; (Activity no. GCE-2017-05), 2017;
  • Honor Frost Foundation Maritime Archaeology Research Grant, 2019, 2017;
  • Honor Frost Foundation Supplemental Research (w/ J. Benjamin), 2017, 2016;
  • Commonwealth Asia Post-Graduate Program, Vietnam Postgraduate Maritime Archaeology Programme, 2017;
  • Cultural Foundation, Netherlands Embassy, Dirk Hartog Historical Research Project (Activity no. GCE-2016-07), 2016;
  • ARC Linkage, Shipwrecks of the Roaring Forties, Chief Investigator (LP130100137), 2013-2019.
Key responsibilities

Research Section Head, History, Archaeology, Indigenous Studies & Geography (2023-2025)
Maritime Archaeology Program Coordinator (2013-2020)

Topic coordinator
ARCH8158 Ships: Research, Recording and Reconstruction
ARCH2204 Australian Maritime Archaeology
ARCH8157 Methods in Underwater Archaeology
ARCH8156 Maritime Archaeology Advanced Field Practicum
ARCH8160 Ships and seafaring in the Indian Ocean
ARCH8309A Advanced Research Projects
ARCH8150 Maritime Archaeology in Australia
ARCH8159 Coastal and Foreshore Archaeology
ARCH8154 Underwater Cultural Heritage: Legislation, Management and Interpretation
ARCH8152 Maritime Archaeological Field School
ARCH2211 Ships and seafaring in the Indian Ocean
ARCH8155 Seafaring in the Ancient World
ARCH3309 Maritime Archaeological Field School
ARCH2216 Seafaring in the Ancient World
Topic lecturer
ARCH1001 Discovering Archaeology
ARCH8021 Introduction to Professional Archaeology
ARCH2110 Lands Beneath the Winds: Archaeology of Southeast Asia
ARCH1007 Ancient Egypt to the Aztecs: Foundations of Urban Life
ARCH1002 From the Palaeolithic to Pompeii: An Exploration of World Archaeology
Expert for media contact
Ancient Mediterranean Seafaring
Australian Maritime Archaeology
Australian Shipbuilding
Batavia Shipwreck
Dutch East India Company
Historic Shipwrecks
Kyrenia Shipwreck
Maritime Archaeology
Post-medieval seafaring
Underwater Cultural Heritage
Vergulde Draeck Shipwreck
Wooden shipbuilding
Zeewijk Shipwreck
Zuytdorp Shipwreck
Available for contact via
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Research
  • Ancient Mediterranean Seafaring
  • Australian Maritime Archaeology
  • Australian Shipbuilding
  • Batavia Shipwreck
  • Dendro-archaeology
  • Dutch East India Company
  • Historic Shipwrecks
  • Kyrenia Shipwreck
  • Maritime Archaeology
  • Post-medieval seafaring
  • Underwater Cultural Heritage
  • Vergulde Draeck Shipwreck
  • Wooden shipbuilding
  • Zeewijk Shipwreck
  • Zuytdorp Shipwreck
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