This Academic Delegations Register captures all those academic-related authorities delegated by means of a policy or procedures. Accordingly, the delegations articulated in this register must be read together with the relevant policy or procedures, as published in the Flinders Policy Library and linked in the table below. They must not be read in isolation so that the full context and any conditions, qualifications, exceptions etc. are taken into account when exercising the delegation. Delegations must be exercised in accordance with the guidance notes, including any sub-delegation.
How to use the register
Click on the arrow alongside any of the headings to sort the information based on that column e.g. click on the arrow alongside Policy Delegates to sort and group the information by delegate position.
Note: titles with a * indicates the document is yet to be reviewed and redeveloped in alignment with the current Policy Framework.
This register was last updated 17 January 2025
Policy / Procedures | Policy Approval Authority | Policy Responsible Officer | Policy Delegates | Delegated Authority | Sub-delegation |
Policy Framework | Council | General Counsel and University Secretary | Academic Senate | The authorities for approving policies and procedures are as set out in Schedule A, and can only be changed with Council’s approval. Delegated to Academic Senate - all policies and policy areas relating to academic governance, standards and operations, including: - Academic awards and course quality assurance and enhancement - Academic and research integrity - Admissions, enrolment and student progress - Learning, teaching and assessment - Research institutes and centres - Research and research training - Student conduct, complaints, reviews and appeals - Student awards, prizes and scholarships - Any other policies or policy areas within the Academic Senate’s Terms of Reference | Not permitted. |
Policy Framework | Council | General Counsel and University Secretary | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Authorised to approve the establishment, amendment or rescission of policies and procedures in their area of responsibility, with the exception of policies retained for approval by Council or Academic Senate (refer to Schedule A of the Policy Framework). | Not permitted. |
Policy Framework | Council | General Counsel and University Secretary | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Authorised to approve the establishment, amendment or rescission of policies and procedures in their area of responsibility, with the exception of policies retained for approval by Council or Academic Senate (refer to Schedule A of the Policy Framework). | Not permitted. |
Policy Framework | Council | General Counsel and University Secretary | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Authorised to approve the establishment, amendment or rescission of policies and procedures in their area of responsibility, with the exception of policies retained for approval by Council or Academic Senate (refer to Schedule A of the Policy Framework). | Not permitted. |
Educational Quality Framework | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Quality in Teaching - Use of an alternative instrument to the SET (Student Evaluation of Teaching) referenced at 4d.i. above, and the conditions applying to its use, may be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) if satisfied that circumstances are exceptional, and it would provide a more appropriate basis for evaluating teaching of individual topics within a particular environment. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Course management - Oversight of educational quality, delivery and management of courses is carried out by a joint course committee, for courses which include a significant number of units from more than one College with composition and terms of reference determined by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) or sub-delegate. | May be delegated. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Course management - Oversight of the equivalence of standards and student outcomes for a course or part of a course which is delivered in multiple locations or modes, or through arrangements with another party or parties, is carried out in accordance with processes specified by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) for onshore courses. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Course management - Oversight of the equivalence of standards and student outcomes for a course or part of a course which is delivered in multiple locations or modes, or through arrangements with another party or parties, is carried out in accordance with processes specified by the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) for transnational education. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Courses and Admissions Committee | Internal reaccreditation - Determine whether a course is reaccredited or discontinued. | May be delegated. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | College Education Committee | Approve proposals to pause a course or course component. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Courses and Admissions Committee | Approve pausing a course or course component where the effective date provides for less than six months notice to students. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Topic design and development - Any other reason than those specified in the policy for placing prerequisites, concurrent prerequisites and corequisites on topics must be approved by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) on the advice of a Vice-President and Executive Dean and have a sound educational or academic basis. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Academic Senate | Level 4 course approval: Approval of new courses, (including double and combined courses), new specialisations, majors or minors where the course, specialisation, major or minor is substantially in a field of study new to the University. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Courses and Admissions Committee | Coursework courses: Level 3a course approval: i. New courses or course components that will appear on a testamur, including double and combined courses, except where they are substantially in a field of study new to the University, including: - development of a new, fully online offering of an existing course - development of an online offering for offshore international students - a change to the duration of an existing course - a change to the title of a course - a substantial change to the learning outcomes of a course that impacts the courses equivalency to the existing version ii. Combined courses where the constituent courses already exist iii. New courses that involve a third-party academic partnership proposed in accordance with the Third-Party Academic Partnerships Policy and procedures iv. Internal reaccreditation of courses after review under section 3.11 of this policy v. Suspension and discontinuation of courses under sections 3.12 and 3.13 of this policy vi. Establishment and discontinuation of specialisations, majors, minors and micro-credentials. Level 3b course approval: i. The name of a course or a specialisation ii. The course learning outcomes iii. The program of study where that change alters the course learning outcomes iv. Admission requirements v. Progression rules where the changes further restrict student progress vi. Any course or topic (including a proposal for a new topic) that requires the University to establish a new agreement or vary an existing agreement with a third-party partner, as required by s.4.3 of the Third-Party Academic Partnerships Policy. | Not permitted. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Higher Degrees by Research courses: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or sub-delegate, on the advice of the University Higher Degrees by Research Committee of Academic Senate Level 3a course approval: i. New courses*, including double and combined courses, except where they are substantially in a field of study new to the University ii. Combined courses where the constituent courses already exist iii. New courses that involve a third-party academic partnership proposed in accordance with the Third-Party Academic Partnerships Policy and procedures iv. Internal reaccreditation of courses after review under section 3.11 of this policy v. Suspension and discontinuation of courses vi. Establishment and discontinuation of specialisations, majors, minors and micro-credentials. Level 3b course approval: i. The name of a course, specialisation or major ii. The course learning outcomes that do not substantially impact the equivalency of existing course learning outcomes iii. The program of study where that change alters the course learning outcomes iv. Admission requirements v. Progression rules where the changes further restrict student progress vi. Any course or topic (including a proposal for a new topic) that requires the University to establish a new agreement or vary an existing agreement with a third-party partner, as required by s.4.3 of the Third-Party Academic Partnerships Policy. | May be delegated. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Coursework courses: Vice-President and Executive Dean or sub-delegate Level 2 course approval: 1. Approval of changes to: i. The program of study where the change does not alter the course learning outcomes ii. Mode of delivery (except the development of a fully online vesion of an existing course as this constritutes a new course) iii. Name of a minor or micro-credential, as the change will not affect the award name on the testamur iv. The learning outcomes of a specialisation, major or minor, or a change to the criteria of a micro-credential, where these changes do not alter the learning outcomes of the course. 2. Approval of changes to a course that are not specified at Level 3 or 4. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Dean (Education) in all Colleges, plus the Teaching Program Director, Law in the case of BGL, and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) in the case of enabling courses delivered by the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching and Flinders University Academy. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean of Graduate Research | Higher Degrees by Research courses: Dean of Graduate Research or sub-delegate Level 2 course approval: 1. Approval of changes to: i. The program of study where the change does not alter the course learning outcomes ii. Mode of delivery* iii. Name of a major, minor or micro-credential, as the change will not affect the award name on the parchment iv. The learning outcomes of a specialisation, major or minor, or a change to the criteria of a micro-credential, where these changes do not alter the learning outcomes of the course. 2. Approval of changes to a course that are not specified at Level 3 or 4. | May be delegated. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Level 1 course approval: Approval and management of the text of a Course Rule, and amendments to the same, where these are consequential on other approved changes, or do not alter the content or the intention of matters that require approval as indicated above. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Senior Manager, Curriculum Services, Manager, Curriculum Management and Manager, Curriculum Information and Analytics. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Level 2 topic approval: Approval of the establishment of, amendment to, and discontinuation of topics. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Dean (Education) in all Colleges, plus the Teaching Program Director, Law in the case of BGL, and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) in the case of enabling courses delivered by the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching and Flinders University Academy. |
Award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Level 1 topic approval: Approval and management of the text and/or system configuration relating to a topic, and amendments to the same, where these are consequential on other approved changes, or do not alter the content or the intention of other matters that require approval as indicated above. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Senior Manager, Curriculum Services, Manager, Curriculum Management and Manager, Curriculum Information and Analytics. |
Award Course Approval Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Course and topic approval process - if an adviser or approval authority has any doubts at any stage in the process that the level of approval sought is consistent with s.4 of the Award Courses Policy, seek advice from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement), who may at any time determine the level of approval that is required. | May be delegated. |
Award Course Approval Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Establishment or discontinuation of a course, specialisation, major, minor or microcredential (Level 4 or 3a) - May approve a modified concept proposal to submit new course details for publication in the hard copy undergraduate SATAC guide. (The full proposal must then be developed and approved before applications can be invited from prospective students.) | Not permitted. |
Award Course Approval Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | College senior executive team | Establishment or discontinuation of a course, specialisation, major, minor or microcredential (Level 4 or 3a) - Consider concept proposal, and either authorise development of a full proposal or reject the concept proposal. | Not permitted. |
Award Course Improvement and Accreditation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean (Education) | Approve Course Quality Advisory Group members external to the university. | Not permitted. |
Award Course Improvement and Accreditation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Academic Senate | May direct a College to prepare an internal reaccreditation submission at any time. | Not permitted. |
Award Course Improvement and Accreditation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Internal course accreditation - submission format - Include a plan and timeframes for the development and implementation of the recommendations that must not extend beyond one year from the date of the finalised submission, unless an extension of time has been granted by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement). | Not permitted. |
Award Course Improvement and Accreditation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Courses and Admissions Committee | Internal accreditation - review and decision - Determine whether to reaccredit the course for a maximum period of seven years, with the next reaccreditation submission due during the fifth year of accreditation, or to discontinue the course. | Not permitted. |
Award Course Improvement and Accreditation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | College senior executive team | Approve submissions for courses subject to external professional accreditation or professional recognition. | Not permitted. |
Enabling Course International Student Attendance Procedures | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Academy Director (or equivalent in Colleges) | Notice of Intention to Report for Unsatisfactory Attendance - Approve reporting of student for unsatisfactory attendance to the relevant Commonwealth Government department, only after the review and appeal process has been completed. | Not permitted. |
Enabling Course Academic Progress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Academy Director (or equivalent in Colleges) | When an international student’s enrolment in a course is to be terminated, approve reporting of unsatisfactory academic progress to the relevant Commonwealth Government department. | Not permitted. |
Enabling Course Academic Progress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Academic Progress Committee | Formal Review of Progress - review students’ progress and make a determination in accordance s.3.2.i of the procedures. | Not permitted. |
Non-award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) or sub-delegate, on the advice of the Courses and Admissions Committee of Academic Senate, in consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) where relevant Level 3 non-award course approval: Approval of new non-award courses that involve: i. partnerships ii. international partnerships iii. international participants iv. new field of study v. entry pathways into an award bearing course vi. credit towards an award bearing course. Approval of changes to learning outcomes and assessments for courses that involve: i. entry pathways into an award bearing course ii. credit towards an award bearing course. | May be delegated. |
Non-award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Vice-President and Executive Dean / Portfolio Head | Vice-President and Executive Dean, Portfolio Head or sub-delegate, in consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) where relevant Level 2 non-award course approval: Except in cases where the course is an entry pathway or credit towards an award bearing course, approval of: i. new cross-College non-award course* ii. new non-award course iii. suspension/discontinuation of non-award course iv. change to name of course, selection and entry requirements, learning outcomes or mode of delivery. | May be delegated. |
Non-award Courses Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Level 1 non-award course approval: Approval of editorial changes to a non-award course where these are consequential to other approved changes, or do not alter the content or the intention of matters that require approval as indicated above. | May be delegated. |
Non-award Course Approval and Management Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Approval process - if an approval authority has any doubts that the level of approval sought is consistent with s.4 of the Non-award Courses Policy, seek advice from the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement), who may at any time determine the level of approval that is required. | May be delegated. |
Third-Party Academic Partnerships Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) / Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Determine third-party academic partnership type and applicability of policy, in cases of doubt. | Not permitted. |
Third-Party Academic Partnerships Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) / Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Determine third-party academic partnership type and applicability of policy, in cases of doubt. | Not permitted. |
Third-Party Academic Partnerships Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) and Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) / Director, International Partnerships | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Strategic and Capability Evaluation - In the case of partnerships with domestic third parties: consider the preliminary business case, and either authorise the development of a full business case or reject the preliminary business case. | Not permitted. |
Third-Party Academic Partnerships Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) and Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) / Director, International Partnerships | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Strategic and Capability Evaluation - In the case of partnerships with international third parties: consider the proposal, and either authorise the development of a full business case or reject the proposal. | Not permitted. |
Timetabling Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean (Education) | Approve the draft timetable for their College. | Not permitted. |
Timetabling Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean (Education) | Approve changes to the timetable post-publication. | May appoint nominee. |
Timetabling Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean (People and Resources) | Approve staff unavailability requests. | Not permitted. |
Timetabling Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Approve the publication of the University timetable. | Not permitted. |
Assessment Practice Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Topic Coordinator | Approve the grade for summative assessment activities, including where the assessment judgement is informed by other academic staff and/or external supervisors e.g. Work Integrated Learning supervisors. | Not permitted. |
Assessment Practice Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | In a topic that includes an examination, any assessment activity that is not the examination must have a due date no later than seven calendar days before the beginning of the relevant examination period, unless there is a good reason for a later due date to be set that is approved by the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Topic Coordinator | Approve applications for assessment extensions in the case of unforeseen or exceptional circumstances. | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Topic Coordinator | Resubmission - the due date for resubmission will be one week after the return of the original submission, unless otherwise approved by the Topic Coordinator. | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | Deferred assessment will not be granted on the grounds that a student has mistaken the time or location of an assessment unless the College Dean (Education) determines otherwise in any particular case. | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | If unforeseen or exceptional circumstances prevent the student from attending or remaining for the duration of a scheduled deferred assessment, the student will be offered the opportunity to demonstrate competence through an alternative assessment prepared by the Topic Coordinator and approved by the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | Special consideration: A student may apply to the College Dean (Education) for an award of supplementary assessment if they do not meet the requirements for an offer of supplementary assessment under b. [Academic grounds], but only on the grounds that their failure to achieve a passing grade and meet the requirements is due to unforeseen or exceptional circumstances reasonably beyond the student’s control or knowledge. | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | If unforeseen or exceptional circumstances prevent a student from undertaking or completing a scheduled supplementary assessment, the student will be offered an alternative supplementary assessment prepared by the Topic Coordinator and approved by the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Assessment Variation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Course Coordinator | Exemptions for repeat students - approve student's exemption from redoing and granting of credit for any assessment activity and hurdle requirements passed within the past 12 months. | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | The criteria for determining the class of Honours awarded to a student, including expected standards of performance for the various classifications as set out in the table below, must be approved by the relevant College Dean (Education) in conjunction with relevant Teaching Program Directors. | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | Final grades and notations for topics will not be deemed official until they have been approved for release by the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | After they have been approved for release, final grades and final notations may only be altered with the further approval of the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | The incomplete assessment notation (I) may be approved by the College Dean (Education) where: i. an extension of time for a student to complete the assessment requirements has been granted by the Topic Coordinator ii. a marker has not been able to complete the assessment of a student's work in time for the certification of topic grades iii. the assessment requirements of the topic require that the student be granted further time to achieve competency requirements iv. a student's result submitted by the Topic Coordinator is questioned by the College Dean (Education) and requires clarification before final approval, or v. a student’s result is the subject of a formal review, appeal or misconduct process. | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Dean (Education) | Incomplete assessment notations must be converted to a final grade or final notation as soon as possible and no later than six months after the completion of the topic to which the notation applies, unless there are exceptional circumstances approved by the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Director, Student Administration Services | In consultation with Colleges, approve a schedule for the processing of assessment grades, including the deadlines for submission and certification of final topic grades and notations and the publication of results. | Not permitted. |
Grading Scheme | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching Innovation) | Approve administrative notations. | Not permitted. |
Rules for In Person Examinations | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Exceptions to the application of these Rules may only be made with the prior approval of the Director, Student Administration Services. | Not permitted. |
Rules for Online Examinations with Online Invigilation | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Exceptions to the application of these Rules may only be made with the prior approval of the Director, Student Administration Services. | Not permitted. |
Admissions Policy | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicants) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicants) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Course admission criteria - For domestic applicants, approve equivalency of Australian and international academic qualifications, and equivalency of other English language proficiency tests or qualifications, to specified admission criteria. | May be delegated. |
Admissions Policy | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicants) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicants) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Individual applicant offers - Approve offers of admission to domestic applicants, including courses offered by another institution on behalf of Flinders University. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, Student Administration Services. |
Admissions Policy | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicants) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicants) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pilot pathways - Approve pilot admission pathways. | Not permitted. |
Admissions Policy | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicants) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicants) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Course admission criteria - For international applicants, approve equivalency of Australian and international academic qualifications, and equivalency of other English language proficiency tests or qualifications, to specified admission criteria. | May be delegated. |
Admissions Policy | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicants) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicants) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Individual applicant offers - Approve offers of admission to international applicants, including courses offered by another institution on behalf of Flinders University. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, International Recruitment. |
Admissions Policy | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicants) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicants) | Academic Senate | Approve the Requirements under s. 3.1.c. of this policy (below). Eligibility for admission to any course requires attainment of: i. the minimum academic qualifications and/or pathways specified by Academic Senate in the Academic Admission Pathways for Coursework Award Courses ii. the minimum specified English language proficiency levels specified by Academic Senate in the English Language Proficiency Requirements for Coursework Award Courses — or their equivalents as determined by the University. | Not permitted. |
Academic Admission Pathways for Coursework Award Courses | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Military Academic Pathway Program - Applicants who have completed the Military Academic Pathway Program, or an equivalent program approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), are eligible for consideration for entry to designated courses. | Not permitted. |
English Language Proficiency Requirements for Coursework Award Courses and Topics | Academic Senate | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Approve the equivalent scores for the other international English language proficiency tests specified in 3.1.c to the specified minimum IELTS scores. | Not permitted. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Admission criteria exceptions - Approve, after consultation with the relevant College Dean (Education), an offer of admission to an individual domestic applicant who does not meet the specified admission requirements, as per Procedure 4.1. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, Student Administration Services. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Application to defer - Approve or reject an application by a domestic applicant to defer an offer under Procedure 6.1. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, Student Administration Services. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Withdraw or refuse an offer of admission - Withdraw or refuse an offer to a domestic applicant in accordance with Procedure 7. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, Student Administration Services. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Admission criteria exceptions - Approve, on advice of the relevant College Dean (Education), an offer of admission to an individual international applicant who does not meet the specified admission requirements, as per Procedure 4.1. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, International Recruitment. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Admission criteria exceptions - Approve offers of admission to applicants for Transnational Education courses, as per Procedure 4.1. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, International Recruitment. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Application to defer - Approve or reject an application by an international applicant to defer their start date under Procedure 6.2.c-f. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, International Recruitment. |
Student Admission Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), after consultation with the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Withdraw or refuse an offer of admission - Withdraw or refuse an offer to an international applicant in accordance with Procedure 7. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Director, International Recruitment. |
Admission Management Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services (re domestic applicant matters) Director, International Recruitment (re international applicant matters) | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Approve quotas and sub-quotas for individual courses, in consultation with: i. the Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) for international student sub-quotas ii. the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) for domestic student sub-quotas. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Approve the form and content of the Enrolment Declaration, on advice of the Director, Student Administration Services. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Enrolment caps - Approve the imposition of an enrolment cap on a topic, only where the cap is required on logistical or occupational health and safety grounds or due to restrictions on the availability of resources to teach the topic. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Topic Coordinator | Approve the waiver of a pre-requisite. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Course administrator | On advice of Topic Coordinator, approve applications to enrol in Flinders University topics as: - incoming cross-institutional student - incoming exchange student - incoming study abroad student - non-award student | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Course administrator | On advice of Topic Coordinator, approve application from outgoing cross-institutional student. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Course administrator | On advice of Course Coordinator, approve requests for overload by Flinders University award students. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Course administrator | On advice of Course Coordinator, approve application for re-admission following forfeiture of place, outside standard admission processes. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Director, International Recruitment | Approve applications for an extension to a student’s course duration. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Director, International Recruitment | Approve applications for Leave of Absence from a Flinders University award course for international students. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Course Coordinator | Approve applications for Leave of Absence from a Flinders University award course for domestic students. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Dean (Education) | On advice of Course Coordinator, approve enrolment outside specified enrolment dates. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Director, Student Administration Services | Administratively withdraw a student. | May be delegated. |
Enrolment Procedures for Coursework Students | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services Director, International Recruitment | Director, Student Administration Services | Approve an administrative correction of enrolment. | May be delegated. |
International Student Transfer Procedures | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Director, International Recruitment | Manager, International Student Services | Approve requests to transfer to another CRICOS registered higher education institution. | May be delegated. |
Credit Transfer Policy* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | College | Each College shall, within minimum standards which may be set by Academic Senate from time to time: - determine the method by which individual applications for credit shall be assessed; - determine the amount of credit to be granted for prior study or work experience; - formulate rules which regulate the automatic granting of credit to applicants for specified prior study or work experience, account for the time elapsed between the original study and the application for credit, and enable the efficient resolution of applications administratively; - maintain a record of precedents to facilitate the formulation of the above rules; - record the outcome of each application on the student information system. | Not permitted. |
Credit Transfer Policy* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Academic Senate | May set minimum standards for credit. | Not permitted. |
Research Components of Postgraduate Coursework Awards* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | With the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) these policies and procedures may be applied to 13.5 unit research components of postgraduate coursework awards (normally applies to 18 unit or more), or to research higher degree courses which include a compulsory coursework component. | Not permitted. |
Research Components of Postgraduate Coursework Awards* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | College | If the progress of a student in a research component of a postgraduate coursework award is deemed to be unsatisfactory, the College may take one of the following courses of action. In each case, the reasons for taking a particular course of action will be fully documented: (a) take no action (which means that student may continue their enrolment in the normal way); or (b) permit the student to continue his or her enrolment subject to such conditions as the College may impose; or (c) ask the student to show cause why he or she should not be transferred to another appropriate award; or (d) ask the student to show cause why he or she should not be precluded from re-enrolling in the course for up to five years; or (e) ask the student to show cause why his or her enrolment in the course should not be terminated. | Not permitted. |
Research Components of Postgraduate Coursework Awards* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | College | The appointment of any examiner will be approved by the College. | Not permitted. |
Work Integrated Learning Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum Impact) | Topic Coordinator | Refuse a student from commencing a WIL activity, where: i. the student cannot demonstrate medical fitness ii. the student has not met, or refuses to undertake, compliance requirements within the required timeframe iii. a professional body or court of law has notified the student or the University of a direction that prevents the student from undertaking a WIL activity iv. the student has a history of unsafe practice, illegal activity, or unethical or unprofessional behaviour, and there are reasonable grounds to suspect the student poses a risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of themselves or others, or a risk to the reputation of the University, the host organisation or their relationship. | May appoint nominee. |
Work Integrated Learning Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum Impact) | Topic Coordinator | Withdraw a student from the WIL activity, either for a specific period and subject to specific conditions, or for the remainder of the duration of the WIL, where: i. there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the student poses a risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of themselves or others ii. the student is unable after due instruction and guidance, to perform satisfactorily without an inappropriate or an unattainable degree of supervision from supervisory personnel with respect to: - their skills involving an individual’s comfort or safety - the performance of technical procedures already taught, demonstrated and practised in a prior clinical or practical situation iii. the student performs in a manner detrimental to the professional experience of other students iv. the student breaches the legal, ethical or professional codes of the host organisation, professional body or of the industry concerned v. the student demonstrates negligence in the performance of an assigned duty vi. the host organisation is unable or unwilling to maintain an appropriate WIL activity for the student, or vii. withdrawal is required by a professional body in accordance with relevant legislation. | May appoint nominee. |
Work Integrated Learning Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum Impact) | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Review and approve all overseas WIL experience requests. | May be delegated. |
Work Integrated Learning Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum Impact) | Topic Coordinator | Exemptions from WIL activities - if satisfied that the grounds are met, the Topic Coordinator or nominee may grant an exemption from a WIL activity, provided it is in accordance with any professional body requirements. | May appoint nominee. |
Student Progress Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Approve the courses within a preclusion group specified in Schedule 1, on the recommendation of the College Dean (Education). | Not permitted. |
Student Progress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean (Education) | Evaluate the students identified as continuing to not meet academic requirements to determine whether their progress is to b formally reviewed. | May be delegated. |
Student Progress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | College Progress Committee | Review students’ progress and make a determination in accordance with the outcomes specified at s.3.6.b of the Student Progress Policy. | Not permitted. |
Student Progress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | College Progress Committee | Make a determination on student applications to have a preclusion lifted prior to the end of a preclusion period, including stipulating any conditions for re-enrolling. | Not permitted. |
Student Progress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Life | Approve the templates and methodologies for formal notification and communication to students by SESU and College SAS. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Amend Schedule 3—Examples of failure to meet student academic integrity requirements, as required. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Topic Coordinator | Misunderstanding (prima facie case) - After discussion with the student, the Topic Coordinator [as First Reviewer] will make a determination, based on all the evidence before them, on whether the allegation of failure to meet academic integrity requirements has been substantiated. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Topic Coordinator | Misunderstanding (prima facie case) - If the allegation is substantiated, the First Reviewer will then determine: i. the category of failure in accordance with Schedules 1 and 2 of the Student Academic Integrity Policy (the Academic Integrity Matrix may be used if required), and ii. the consequences that align to the category. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean (Education) or College Academic Integrity Officer | Level 1 Academic Misconduct (prima facie case) - Based on all the evidence before the Inquiry, the Dean (Education) or College Academic Integrity Advisor [as Second Reviewer] will make a determination on whether the allegation of failure to meet academic integrity requirements has been substantiated. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean (Education) or College Academic Integrity Officer | Level 1 Academic Misconduct (prima facie case) - If the allegation is substantiated, the Second Reviewer will then determine, based on the evidence before the Inquiry: i. the category of failure in accordance with Schedules 1 and 2 of the Student Academic Integrity Policy (the Academic Integrity Matrix may be used if required)—notwithstanding the outcome of a Preliminary Assessment or a Misunderstanding Process, a Second Reviewer may determine that a failure is any of Misunderstanding, Level 1 Academic Misconduct or Level 2 Serious Academic Misconduct. ii. the consequences that align to the category, as provided in Schedules 1 and 2 of the Student Academic Integrity Policy. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean (Education) or College Academic Integrity Officer | Level 2 Serious Academic Misconduct - If, at any stage of the Inquiry, the Second Reviewer considers that the matter is Level 2 Serious Academic Misconduct – as defined in Schedule 2 of the Student Academic Integrity Policy, the Second Reviewer may halt the Inquiry and take action under Procedure 6.6, without reaching a formal determination. The Second Reviewer will notify the student that the matter is being referred for action under Statute 6.4–Student Conduct. | Not permitted. |
Student Academic Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean (Education) | Approve or reject cases for exemption from the requirement for the application of text-matching software to student assessment due to special circumstances (e.g. because the student work contains confidential material that should not be deposited in the text-matching database). | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Investigation of a complaint - On receipt of a complaint the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) may initiate an investigation of an allegation of student misconduct, or may decide not to proceed with the investigation on the grounds that the complaint is trivial or vexatious. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Investigation of a complaint - If at any time there is a risk of harm to a person, or damage to University property, or harassment of another person by a student, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) may immediately, temporarily suspend the student for a period of up to 28 days and instruct the student to leave the campus or property of the University, and will initiate an inquiry into the matter. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Investigation of a complaint - if a complaint has been dealt with under an alternative appeals, complaints or grievance resolution process and the whole or part of the matter remains unresolved, the matter may then be dealt with under Statute 6.4 at the discretion of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement). In such a case, every effort will be made to avoid or minimise the duplication of processes and procedures. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Investigation of a complaint - Following investigation of the complaint, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) will take one or more of the following actions: (a) determine that there is no case to be answered and that no further action be taken against the student; (b) refer the matter for resolution by discussion and mediation, in which case the provisions of section 6 of these procedures will apply; (c) determine that there has been misconduct, but that the actions of the student do not warrant referral to a Board of Inquiry. In this case, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) will issue a formal warning to the student to discontinue the misconduct and inform the student of any actions the University may take in the event of any further occurrence of any misconduct; (d) determine that there is a prima facie case of misconduct and refer the matter for a hearing by a Board of Inquiry, in which case the provisions of section 7 of these procedures will apply; (e) determine that the matter be dealt with in another forum or through an alternative appeals, complaints or grievance resolution process; (f) determine that the complaint be treated as malicious or vexatious and be dismissed, and that taking action against the complainant be considered. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Board of Inquiry - appoint members of the Board of Inquiry. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Board of Inquiry | A Board of Inquiry will make one of the following determinations: (a) a finding that the allegations have been substantiated in full or part; or (b) a finding that the allegations have not been substantiated and the complaint is dismissed; or (c) a recommendation to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) that the complaint be treated as malicious or vexatious and be dismissed, and that taking action against the complainant be considered. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Board of Inquiry | If the allegations are substantiated, in full or part, a Board of Inquiry may apply one or more of the following outcomes or penalties: (a) a finding that no penalty should be imposed; (b) the student or another party is requested to provide an apology in writing; (c) the student is reprimanded in writing and warned about the consequences of a repetition of the misconduct; (d) a restriction is placed on the student's access to University property or facilities; (e) the student is requested to provide recompense (financial or otherwise) for damage to or loss of property which he or she has caused, taking account of the student's ability to pay such costs; (f) a restriction is placed on a student's conduct for a specified period; (g) a period of suspension is imposed for a specified period from a specified date, for the remainder of a semester or a period no greater than 14 weeks; (h) in the case of a finding of Academic Misconduct, the relevant penalty provided in Schedule 2 of the Student Academic Integrity Policy is imposed; (i) the student is excluded from participating, enrolling or re-enrolling in a topic or course for a specified period of up to five years. An excluded student's participation or enrolment in a topic or course would cease from the effective date of the exclusion; (j) the student is expelled from the University and their enrolment is terminated. Expulsion means that a student is indefinitely excluded from re-enrolling in any topic or course of the University; (k) a recommendation is made to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) that an academic award conferred by the University on the student is rescinded in accordance with the Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy; (l) any combination of the above named penalties is imposed; (m) an alternative penalty is imposed, after consultation with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality) and the student; (n) the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) is advised to consider taking action in an external legal forum. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Re-admission / re-enrolment - A student who is excluded from a course or topic and who wishes to seek permission to be re-admitted to the course or re-enrolled in that topic before the exclusion period expires must submit an application to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), who will consider and decide the matter on behalf of Council. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | A student who is expelled from the University and who wishes to seek permission to be re-admitted to a course must submit an application to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), who will consider and decide the matter on behalf of Council. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Appeals Committee - appoint members of the Appeals Committee. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Appeals Committee | On receiving a written appeal from one of the parties, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) will refer the matter to the Chairperson of the Appeals Committee. The Chairperson will make a preliminary determination as to whether prima facie evidence exists of a matter which requires investigation by an Appeals Committee. If the Chairperson is of the view that sufficient evidence does not exist to enable the matter to be considered, an Appeals Committee will not be convened and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) will be informed of the reasons. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Appeals Committee | Outcome of an appeal - If the appeal is dismissed, the Appeals Committee must confirm the decision of the Board of Inquiry. If the appeal is upheld, in whole or part, the Appeals Committee will make one of the following determinations: (a) remit the decision back to the Board of Inquiry for reconsideration, asking the Board to take into account any recommendations from the Appeals Committee; (b) set aside, amend or vary one or more of the findings of a Board of Inquiry; (c) substitute a new finding; (d) set aside, amend or vary one or more of the penalties applied by a Board of Inquiry; (e) apply an alternative penalty to that applied by a Board of Inquiry, provided it is one of the penalties available to a Board of Inquiry as set out in Clause 7.3 above. (f) to impose any outcome or penalty which a Board of Inquiry is able to impose; (g) recommend that the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) be advised to consider taking further action in an external legal forum to resolve the matter; (h) recommend to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) that the complaint be treated as malicious or vexatious and be dismissed, and that taking action against the complainant be considered. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | General Provisions - The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) may decide in their discretion that a matter be pursued on behalf of the University, and appoint a senior officer to present the complaint. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | General Provisions - Should there be a significant change of circumstances, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) may review any penalties imposed on a student or establish an Appeals Committee to conduct a review of the penalties. A penalty may be varied as a result of such a review. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | General Provisions - If any process against a student is initiated in accordance with Statute 6.4, and the student subsequently completes a course of study or discontinues their enrolment, proceedings against the former student may be continued or discontinued, at the discretion of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement). | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Record Keeping - The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) will authorise the inclusion, amendment or deletion of a record on a student's file, on the student record system, or on an academic record. | Not permitted. |
Handling a matter under Statute 6.4: Student Conduct* | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Record Keeping - A record of a matter will be kept for five years. The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) will then review the record and decide either that it be destroyed, or kept for a specified period. | Not permitted. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Dean (Education) | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about any aspect of an academic program (excepting assessment and academic progress). | May appoint nominee. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about any aspect of an academic program (excepting assessment and academic progress) where the Dean (Education) is the subject of the complaint. | May appoint nominee. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | College HDR Coordinator | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints by HDR students about any aspect of an academic program (excepting assessment and academic progress). | Not permitted. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Appropriate officer | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about any administrative or fees related matter. | Not permitted. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Topic or Course Coordinator / Other academic staff member as required | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about assessment matters. | Not permitted. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about behaviour of a student. | May appoint nominee. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Director, People and Culture | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about behaviour of a staff member. | Not permitted. |
Student Complaints Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Acts as the decision-maker in complaints about the behaviour of students where the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) has had previous involvement in the matter. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Policy | Academic Senate | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Appeal - A student may remain enrolled in their course of study pending the outcome of an appeal, including enrolment in any topic for which the topic under appeal is a prerequisite. However, this will not apply if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) that the student’s continued enrolment poses a risk to the safety of themselves or others. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Student Policy and Integrity Advisor | Reviews - dismiss a request for a review where it: i. concerns a decision that is not reviewable (e.g. a decision to instigate an investigation into a student conduct matter, or a decision that is the automatic consequence of a course rule, policy, or external requirement). Note: concerns raised about a non-reviewable decision or associated circumstances may be treated as a complaint or referred to another University process or service for resolution ii. is frivolous (e.g. where the request for review has no basis or where there is no disadvantage to the student) iii. is out of time incomplete and the student does not provide requested material in the required timeframe v. is vexatious, or otherwise represents an abuse of process. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Senior Student Policy and Integrity Advisor | Student Appeals submission process - dismiss an appeal where: i. it is a matter that is not an eligible decision for appeal under this process (e.g. a student misconduct decision) ii. the appeal, as written, does not meet one or more grounds for consideration by the Student Appeals Committee (see procedure 3.2.c above). | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Senior Officer (one above complaint decision-maker) | Conduct reviews and make a determination. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Approves requests for a review or an appeal after 20 University business days on the basis that exceptional or compelling circumstances have been demonstrated. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Conducts reviews of preliminary determination by Senior Student Policy and Integrity Advisor that appeal grounds are not met. | May appoint nominee. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Student Appeals Committee - appointment of a senior member of academic staff or one of two alternates as the Chair. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Student Appeals Committee - appoint: i. a panel of 24 academic staff members (four from each College, nominated by the Vice-President and Executive Dean), of whom one will sit in each appeal ii. a panel of alternate student members consisting of six students drawn from the Student Council, nominated by the Student President in consultation with the Manager, Flinders University Student Association, one of whom will sit when the Student President is unavailable or has been involved in the decision under appeal. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | In circumstances where the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) was involved in the original decision or the review of the matter to be appealed, conducts review of preliminary determination by Student Policy and Integrity Services that appeal grounds are not met. | Not permitted. |
Student Review and Appeal Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Student Appeals Committee | Makes a decision whether an appeal should be upheld in whole or in part, or dismissed. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-Chancellor | Eligibility to graduate - the Vice-Chancellor or delegate may confer the relevant academic award on students who have completed the following eligibility requirements, as certified in accordance with the Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures: a. a coursework award student must complete the applicable requirements specified for the relevant academic award and any additional relevant external accreditation or registration requirements b. a student who has not completed the requirements for the academic award in which they are enrolled, but has met the requirements for a different academic award, may be approved to graduate with an exit or alternative award c. a higher degree by research student must complete the requirements for an academic award in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Policy and HDR Examination Procedures. | This authority has been sub-delegated to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students). |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-Chancellor | Rescission of academic awards - may rescind an academic award conferred by the University, including prior to the effective date of this policy, in the circumstance the recipient engaged in fraud or dishonesty with respect to their admission to, or meeting the requirements for completion of, an academic award. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Rescission of academic awards - may rescind an academic award (for coursework degrees) conferred by the University, including prior to the effective date of this policy, in the circumstance the recipient engaged in fraud or dishonesty with respect to their admission to, or meeting the requirements for completion of, an academic award. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | May rescind an academic award (for higher degrees by research) conferred by the University, including prior to the effective date of this policy, in the circumstance the recipient engaged in fraud or dishonesty with respect to their admission to, or meeting the requirements for completion of, an academic award. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Director, Student Administration Services | Rescission of academic awards - may rescind an academic award (for coursework degrees) conferred by the University, including prior to the effective date of this policy, in the circumstance the University made an administrative error in conferring the academic award, or the recipient was otherwise not eligible for the award. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Dean of Graduate Research | Rescission of academic awards - may rescind an academic award (for higher degrees by research) conferred by the University, including prior to the effective date of this policy, in the circumstance the University made an administrative error in conferring the academic award, or the recipient was otherwise not eligible for the award. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Policy | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Dean (Education) | Rescission of academic awards - may rescind an academic award (for coursework degrees) conferred by the University, including prior to the effective date of this policy, in the circumstance the graduate is seeking approval to surrender an exit award in order to complete the applicable original award (applicable to undergraduate degrees only). | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean (Education) | Certify a coursework award student's eligibility to graduate (including exit or alternative awards). | May be delegated. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean (Education) | Posthumous academic awards - Where the deceased is a current coursework student, Enrolment Services will refer the matter to the College Dean (Education) who will approve the posthumous completion of a degree if: i. the student is enrolled in a Bachelor degree program and has 18 units or less outstanding ii. the student is enrolled in a Graduate Certificate program and has 4.5 units outstanding, or iii. the student is enrolled in a Graduate Diploma or Masters by coursework program and has 9 units or less outstanding. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Dean of Graduate Research | Certify a higher degree by research student's eligibility to graduate. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Issuing of academic documents - Academic documents are produced and replaced in accordance with the design approved by the Director, Student Administration Services. | Not permitted. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Graduation ceremonies will be scheduled by the Director, Student Administration Services or delegate. | May be delegated. |
Conferral of Awards and Graduation Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Vice-Chancellor | The form of presentation of academic awards at graduation ceremonies will be determined by the Vice-Chancellor. | Not permitted. |
Academic Dress Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Council | Approve the design of the stole for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander academic dress. | Not permitted. |
Student Fees Policy | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Vice-Chancellor | Approve: a. International student and domestic postgraduate coursework tuition fees (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 3 and Procedure 4) b. Exceptions to the maximum student contribution amount permitted for Commonwealth supported students (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 3.3) c. Exceptions to the maximum Student Services and Amenities Fee set by the Commonwealth Government (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 3.5). | Not permitted. |
Student Fees Policy | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Approve single topic (non-award basis) tuition fees (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 3.4). | Not permitted. |
Student Fees Policy | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Approve HDR fees for domestic students who exceed their RTP fee offset period (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 6.3). | Not permitted. |
Student Fees Policy | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Approve incidental fees (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 5). | Not permitted. |
Student Fees Policy | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Portfolio Head | Approve incidental fees (refer to Student Fees Procedures, Procedure 5). | Not permitted. |
Student Fees Policy | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Reviews and appeals - Reconsider a fee-related decision and make a determination. | May be delegated. |
Student Fees Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Colleges must seek approval from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) to convert a place in a domestic postgraduate course from fee paying to Commonwealth supported or vice versa. Relevant business areas (e.g. Student Finance, Curriculum Management) and the Fee Advisory Committee must be informed of any approved conversions. | Not permitted. |
Student Debt Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Director, Student Administration Services | Director, Student Administration Services | Make a determination, in a particular case, to grant a student or former student an exemption from sanctions. | May be delegated. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-Chancellor | The Vice-Chancellor will approve the number of certain categories of sponsorships that can be awarded each year. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-Chancellor | Sponsorships - approve tuition fee sponsorships on humanitarian grounds. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Scholarships - approve international tuition fee scholarships. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Sponsorships - approve strategic domestic postgraduate coursework sponsorship. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Individual sponsorship – exceptional circumstances – approve domestic coursework student sponsorships. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Fee waivers - approve tuition fee waiver for international research higher degree (RHD) students in receipt of a designated competitive stipend scholarship. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Sponsorships - approve strategic international research higher degree sponsorships. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Sponsorships - approve international RHD student who has exceeded the duration of an approved tuition fee waiver or sponsorship. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Individual sponsorship – exceptional circumstances – approve RHD student sponsorships. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Sponsorships - approve strategic international coursework sponsorships. | Not permitted. |
Internal Tuition Fee Waivers, Scholarships and Sponsorships, Policy on* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Individual sponsorship – exceptional circumstances – approve international coursework student sponsorships. | Not permitted. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Student Grants Scheme - recipients of grants will be enrolled students in the second or later year of an award of the University or other students as determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students). | Not permitted. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | The value of a grant will not exceed $500 unless approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students). | Not permitted. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Senior Student Policy and Integrity Advisor | The Manager, Student Policy and Projects, or nominee, shall investigate and decide on appeals from students who have been refused loans or grants. His or her decision shall be final. | May appoint nominee. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Chief Financial Officer | Student Loan Scheme - The loan limit will be $500 for any one student. In exceptional circumstances the Director, Financial Services, or nominee, may approve a higher amount. | May appoint nominee. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Student Assist Officer | Student Loan Scheme - The SAO may decide: (i) to approve the loan; (ii) to not approve the loan; (iii) to ask the student to provide more information. | Not permitted. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Student Assist Officer | Student Grants Scheme - allocation of grants will be determined by a small group comprising two Student Assist Officers (SAO) nominated by the Manager, Student Engagement and a nominee of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students). | Not permitted. |
Student Loan and Student Grants Schemes* | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Chief Financial Officer | Vice-Chancellor | The Vice-Chancellor will determine the annual allocation to the Student Grant Scheme for inclusion in the University budget. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Council | University Medals - University Medals will be of such material and such design and be inscribed in such manner as may be approved by Council. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Council | Ken Wanganeen Medal - The Ken Wanganeen Medal will be of such material and such design and be inscribed in such manner as may be approved by Council. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Director, Student Administration Services | University Medals - The award of a University Medal will be determined by the Director, Student Administration Services under delegated authority from Academic Senate and on the advice of the Vice-President and Executive Dean responsible for the degree in which the student is enrolled. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | University Medals - Approve the College minimum GPA by AQF level for the eligibility criteria. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) | Award of University Medal - The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Enhancement) may approve a variation to the criteria and procedures described in this section where the variation is deemed to establish equivalent academic performance. Requests for variations may be approved for awards, or considered for individual students on a case-by-case basis. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Director, Student Administration Services | Ken Wanganeen Medal - The award of the Medal will be determined by the Director, Student Administration Services on the recommendation of the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Vice-Chancellor | Vice-Chancellor's Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence - the medal for the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence will be of such material and such design and be inscribed in such manner as may be approved by the Vice-Chancellor. | Not permitted. |
Awards for Academic Excellence | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management / Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | The Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence will be determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) under delegated authority from Academic Senate. | Not permitted. |
Prizes and Scholarships* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-Chancellor | The Council has delegated to the Vice-Chancellor or nominee authority to approve the establishment of prizes and scholarships, and the rules and conditions governing them. | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Vice-President and Executive Deans have been appointed as nominees. |
Prizes and Scholarships* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Council | If the rules or conditions of a prize or scholarship or its name or value are unsuitable or become impractical, the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) or the Vice-President and Executive Dean of the relevant College will consult with the person or donor who initiated its establishment and seek to have the problem addressed. If the matter cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the University the Council may decide that the prize or scholarship not be offered. | Not permitted. |
Prizes and Scholarships* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) | Approve University-wide prizes, postgraduate coursework and undergraduate scholarships, and the rules and conditions governing them. | Not permitted. |
Prizes and Scholarships* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Approve higher degree research scholarships, and the rules and conditions governing them. | Not permitted. |
Prizes and Scholarships* | Academic Senate | Senior Director, Student Experience and Management | Vice-President and Executive Dean | Approve College prizes and the rules and conditions governing them, in their respective Colleges. | Not permitted. |
Alumni Awards* | Academic Senate | Chief of Staff | Vice-Chancellor | The Alumni Awards Selection Committee will evaluate the nominations in accordance with the Rules (for Convocation Medal, Distinguished Alumni Award and Early Career Alumni Award), and submit a report and recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor, for approval. | Not permitted. |
Research Integrity Policy | Academic Senate | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Amend Schedule 1—Research integrity: principles and researcher responsibilities under the Code, and Schedule 2—Examples of breach of research integrity requirements, as required (noting that columns 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 can only be changed if the corresponding section(s) of the Code change. | Not permitted. |
Breach of Research Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Manager, Research Integrity Office | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Commencing no later than 10 University business days after receipt of the complaint, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will determine how to proceed as follows: i. the complaint relates to a potential breach of the Research Integrity Policy / Code — refer for Preliminary Assessment under Procedure 5.6; or ii. the complaint relates to another University policy — refer for investigation or action under that policy; or iii. the complaint relates to research administration and is a matter that can be rectified at the local level — refer to appropriate local area for resolution; or iv. the complaint provides no evidence of any activity that requires institutional follow-up — dismiss. | Not permitted. |
Breach of Research Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Manager, Research Integrity Office | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Suspension: At any time during the process of dealing with a complaint, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) may: i. suspend a staff member from duty (for staff to whom the relevant disciplinary clauses of the Enterprise Agreement apply*, suspension will be in accordance with those clauses) ii. suspend an academic status holder from their University-related duties and privileges, or iii. intermit an HDR student’s candidature — if the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) is of the opinion that it is in the University’s interests to do so. The suspension/intermission will remain in force until a final determination is made or such earlier time as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) determines. | Not permitted. |
Breach of Research Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Manager, Research Integrity Office | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Outcome of preliminary investigation - Once the Preliminary Assessment report and advice is received, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will determine one of the outcomes specified below: i. dismiss the matter and take no further action, or ii. refer the matter for resolution locally with or without corrective actions, or iii. refer the matter for action under another University policy or process, or iv. determine that an allegation of breach of the Research Integrity Policy / Code has arisen, and take action under Procedure 5.7.1 | Not permitted. |
Breach of Research Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Manager, Research Integrity Office | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Upon receiving the response, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) will again consider the matter and determine one of the outcomes specified below and will advise the respondent accordingly. i. Staff members to whom the relevant disciplinary clauses of the Enterprise Agreement apply* • dismiss the matter and take no further action, or • refer the matter for resolution locally with or without corrective actions, or • refer the matter for investigation • provide a written warning under the disciplinary provisions of the Enterprise Agreement, or • recommend to the Vice-Chancellor other disciplinary action under the disciplinary provisions of the Enterprise Agreement. ii. Probationary or casual staff members, Academic status holders, HDR students • dismiss the matter and take no further action, or • refer the matter for resolution locally with or without corrective actions, or • refer the matter for investigation • refer the matter for action under another University policy or process. | Not permitted. |
Breach of Research Integrity Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Manager, Research Integrity Office | Vice-Chancellor | Outcome of investigation - the Vice-Chancellor will consider the panel’s report and any additional advice from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and decide whether there has been a breach of the Research Integrity Policy / Code and the level of seriousness of such breach, including whether it constitutes Research Misconduct. | Not permitted. |
Higher Degrees by Research Policy | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | Academic Senate | Approve minimum English language proficiency requirements for HDR candidature. | Not permitted. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | College HDR Coordinator | For domestic applicants, approve equivalency of Australian and international qualifications, and equivalency of other English language proficiency tests or qualifications, to specified admission requirements. | May be delegated. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | College HDR Coordinator | Approve, reject or withdraw applications for admission into an HDR course. | Not permitted. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | College HDR Coordinator | Approve or reject an application for deferral of offer of admission. | Not permitted. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | For international applicants, approve equivalency of Australian and international qualifications, and equivalency of other English language proficiency tests or qualifications, to specified admission requirements. | May be delegated. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Approve, in special circumstances, on advice of the relevant HDR Coordinator, an offer of admission to an individual applicant who does not meet the specified admission eligibility requirements. | Not permitted. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Office of Graduate Research College HDR Coordinator College HDR Committee | Approve variations to enrolment on application by student, as per Procedure 6. For international students this approval is in conjunction with the Vice-President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (International) or sub-delegate. | Not permitted. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | College HDR Coordinator College HDR Committee | Approve or reject applications for transfers between candidatures. | Not permitted. |
HDR Admission and Enrolment Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Office of Graduate Research | Administratively withdraw a student, if satisfied the reason for withdrawal has been made out, after consultation as appropriate, as per Procedure 6.8. | Not permitted. |
English Language Proficiency Requirements for HDR Candidature | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research, in consultation with Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Vice-President and Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) | Approve the equivalent scores for the other international English language proficiency tests specified in 3.1.c and 3.2.c to the specified minimum IELTS scores. | Not permitted. |
HDR Progression Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | College HDR Committee | Formal review of progress - unsatisfactory progression: On the basis of all the evidence before the committee, make a decision to: i. take no further action thus allowing the student to continue in their candidature ii. permit the student to continue in their candidature subject to completing Milestones or such other conditions as the Committee may impose. If the student fails to meet the conditions within the specified timeframe, the College HDR Committee may determine that the student’s candidature is to be terminated iii. transfer the candidature from PhD or Professional Doctorate to an appropriate Masters degree candidature or designated exit award, or iv. terminate the student’s candidature. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Approve the HDR Thesis Rules. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Examination and determination: approve the engagement of thesis examiners. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Examination and determination: determine award of the degree when Examiner Reports have the same or similar recommendations. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Examination and determination: certify whether a student has qualified for award of the degree. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Final thesis restricted access: approve an embargo or restricted access to a final thesis for a specified period of time. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | College HDR Coordinator | Examination and determination: approve a student whose enrolment has lapsed submitting a thesis for examination. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | University HDR Committee | Examination and determination: determine award of the degree when Examiner Reports have divergent recommendations. | Not permitted. |
HDR Examination Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Examination and determination: determine award of the degree posthumously. | Not permitted. |
Cotutelle Arrangement Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Flinders Cotutelle Committee | Approve Cotutelle Arrangements | Not permitted. |
Cotutelle Arrangement Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Flinders Cotutelle Committee | Approve variations to an approved Cotutelle Agreement | Not permitted. |
Cotutelle Arrangement Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Vary supervisor(s), research dates and other minor changes to a Cotutelle Agreement. (Major changes require approval of the Flinders Cotutelle Committee.) | Not permitted. |
Cotutelle Arrangement Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Variations to procedure: if the Dean of Graduate Research is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances in an individual case, the Dean of Graduate Research may vary the application of the Cotutelle Arrangement Procedures to that case. | Not permitted. |
HDR Sanctions Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Approve or decline the HDR candidature application for international students following screening against the DFAT Consolidated List. | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | University HDR Committee | Admission and enrolment: approve, reject or withdraw applications for admission, including equivalency of qualifications, into a Higher Doctorate candidature. | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | University HDR Committee | Examination: determine award of the degree under Procedure 7.a (examiners recommendations are the same or similar). | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Admission and enrolment: approve extension of candidature under Procedure 4.e (maximum duration of candidature is 12 months). | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Examination: approve the Higher Doctorate Submission Rules. | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Examination: approve the engagement of examiners. | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Examination: Determine award of the degree under Procedure 7.b (examiners recommend that the degree not be awarded). | Not permitted. |
Higher Doctorate Procedures | Academic Senate | Dean of Graduate Research | Vice-Chancellor | A candidate must pay such fees as determined by the Vice-Chancellor or delegate. All fees are non-refundable. | May be delegated. |
HDR Supervisor Policy | Academic Senate | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Supervisory team requirements: approve supervisors accepting new supervisions under Procedure 5.d (when supervisors are principal supervisor of two or more currently enrolled students who are overtime). | Not permitted. |
HDR Supervisor Policy | Academic Senate | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Register of HDR Supervisors: determine special circumstances criteria, and approve special circumstances exceptions under s.4.b (eligibility criteria for registration). | Not permitted. |
HDR Supervisor Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Determine applications for the Register of HDR Supervisors under Procedure 5.1 (application process). | Not permitted. |
HDR Supervisor Procedures | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean of Graduate Research | Dean of Graduate Research | Determine recommendations under Procedure 5.2 (review of register, recommendation when supervisor does not met registration requirements). | Not permitted. |
Research Institutes and Centres Policy | Academic Senate | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Academic Senate | Establishment and renewal: Academic Senate approval, on the recommendation of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), is required for the: i. establishment and length of term of a new research Institute or Centre, ii. renewal of an Institute or Centre and length of term of the renewal period. | Not permitted. |
Research Institutes and Centres Policy | Academic Senate | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Establishment and renewal: the approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), on the recommendation of the relevant Vice-President and Executive Dean/s, is required for: i. a change of an Institute or Centre’s name ii. a change of an Institute or Centre’s advisory board terms of reference or membership, and iii. appointment of an Institute or Centre Director. | Not permitted. |
Research Institutes and Centres Policy | Academic Senate | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) | Dean (Research) | Research expectations: academic staff members of a research Institute or Centre must carry out research in the Institute’s or Centre’s research areas and satisfy research performance expectations set by the Director and approved by the Dean (Research) of the host College. | Not permitted. |
Honorary Awards | Council | Chief of Staff | Council | The Awards Nominations Committee will provide a report recommending nominees for honorary awards (honorary degree or Companion of the University) to the Executive Committee of Council for endorsement and referral to Council for approval. | Not permitted. |
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