Graduate Women SA Trust Masters Scholarship
Opening date
Closing date
Scholarship value
Scholarship duration
Payment term
Level of Study
Higher Degrees Research, Postgrad Coursework
The amount of each scholarship will not exceed $3,000 but may be less depending on requirements of the successful applicant/s, if more than one scholarship is offered based on applicant rankings and funds available. No one will be awarded more than one scholarship in any one year. In exceptional circumstances the trustees of the Graduate Women SA Trust Inc Fund reserve the right not to award a scholarship.
Applicants must:
There is no restriction on field of study. The scholarship may be held concurrently with awards offered by organisations other than the AFUW-SA Inc. Trust Fund.
Completed applications must be emailed by the specific deadline to: info@gwsa-trust.com.au and marked: APPLICATION with the scholarship Title in the subject line
From early January application forms for the 2025 scholarships may be obtained from:
• The Graduate Women SA Trust website at https://www.gwsa-trust.com.au/
• Scholarships Offices at South Australian universities
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park
South Australia 5042
South Australia | Northern Territory
Global | Online
CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University