ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships 2023
Not College specific
Opening date
Closing date
Scholarship value
Up to 5,400.00 CHF (60.00 CHF/day)
Scholarship duration
Up to three months
Payment term
Student type
Exchange and overseas travel
ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship program Asia-Pacific is funded by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and is supported by Swissnex in India and the Embassies of Switzerland in Singapore and in Australia. The aim of the program is to promote research opportunities in Switzerland for Indian, Australian and Singapore students and to foster the exchange between Swiss and Asia-Pacific universities & institutions.
The ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship provides a prorated amount according to the length of your stay, maximum up to three months. The students will get a stipend of 60 CHF/day from the start to the last day in the University, +2 days for arrival and departure up to a maximum of 90 days (CHF 5400 maximum).
Please note that this amount covers only a portion of the average student’s living expenses and that you will be asked to prove sufficient financial means to the Swiss Cantonal authorities before a visa can be issued. The whole amount of the scholarship money will be transferred to the bank account of the recipient shortly after his / her arrival in Switzerland.
To apply for a ThinkSwiss Scholarship you must:
● Currently be enrolled at an accredited Indian, Australian or Singapore university / institute
● Be a master degree student or a bachelor degree student who will have completed the 2nd year by the time the research stay in Switzerland begins
● Provide a written confirmation from a professor at a Swiss university that he / she will accept you for a research stay in his / her group
For all details regarding the application process and the eligibility criteria: consult the below FAQs. Alternatively you may contact us via email: canberra.scholarships@eda.admin.ch
Switzerland is a hub for excellent education, science, technology and innovation. It has outstanding universities with numerous programs, many world-class public research institutions and a thriving private sector that encourages research and development.
Check the studyinswitzerland.plus for an overview of all the Swiss universities and practical information about studying in Switzerland. ThinkSwiss Asia-Pacific is a scholarship programme managed by the Embassy of Switzerland in Australia, the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore and Swissnex in India. This program is funded by the Swissnex network, part of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
The application and all supporting documents must be uploaded on the online application form in PDF format by 15th January 2023. In order to be considered for this scholarship, each application must contain:
1. A cover letter outlining your research project (e.g. an overview of the tasks and milestones of your project that you agreed on with your host professor) and explaining why you should be awarded the ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship, and why you would make an excellent “student ambassador” in the future
2. A CV (no more than two pages)
3. A copy of your current university transcripts (we accept photocopies of official transcripts issued to the student)
4. A letter of acceptance from the professor and / or hosting institution in Switzerland. Please request for a confirmation letter on the University / Institute letterhead from the host professor.
5. A letter of recommendation from a current professor who can attest to the applicant’s abilities
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CRICOS Provider: 00114A TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12097 TEQSA category: Australian University