Become a Visionary Leader in Health and Aged Care Management
In an era of unprecedented health challenges, from pandemics to digital transformation, the world needs forward-thinking healthcare leaders more than ever. Flinders University's cutting-edge postgraduate programs in Healthcare Management and Administration are designed to equip you with the skills to lead and innovate in this dynamic field.
At Flinders, we empower you to become a catalyst for positive change in the global healthcare landscape. Join us and develop the analytical prowess, conceptual understanding, and practical knowledge needed to excel in today's complex and dynamic healthcare environment.
Why study Master of Health Administration at Flinders
Our programs are accredited by the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM), paving the way for professional membership. Registered medical practitioners may also qualify for entry into the prestigious Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA) training program. Take the next step toward shaping the future of health and aged care.
Meet your academics
Our incredible teaching and professional staff are experts in their fields and well-connected to the industry.
Meet your academics
Our incredible teaching and professional staff are experts in their fields and well-connected to the industry.
Associate Professor
Angie Shafei
Dean of Business MD DBA
Angie is an interdisciplinary clinical pathologist, health management consultant and researcher. With 20+ years of experience, she focuses on innovation, health transformation and digital health. Co-founder of Innovate Inn, she excels in research commercialisation and has published extensively in digital health and patient-centred service models.
Associate Professor
Angie Shafei
Dean of Business MD DBA
Angie Shafei is an interdisciplinary clinical pathologist, health management consultant and researcher. With 20+ years of experience, she focuses on innovation, health transformation and digital health. Co-founder of Innovate Inn, she excels in research commercialisation and has published extensively in digital health and patient-centred service models.
Dr Madhan
Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director, Health Care Management
College of Business, Government and Law
Dr. Balasubramanian is a transdisciplinary health systems and health workforce expert with 15+ years of experience, 60+ publications, $2M+ in research funding, and service on international editorial and review boards.
Dr Madhan Balasubramanian
Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director, Health Care Management, College of Business, Government and Law
Dr. Balasubramanian is a transdisciplinary health systems and health workforce expert with 15+ years of experience, 60+ publications, $2M+ in research funding, and service on international editorial and review boards.
Associate Professor Angie Shafei
Dean of Business MD DBA
Angie Shafei is an interdisciplinary clinical pathologist, health management consultant and researcher. With 20+ years of experience, she focuses on innovation, health transformation and digital health. Co-founder of Innovate Inn, she excels in research commercialisation and has published extensively in digital health and patient-centred service models.
Dr Madhan Balasubramanian
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Balasubramanian is a transdisciplinary health systems and health workforce expert with 15+ years of experience, 60+ publications, $2M+ in research funding, and service on international editorial and review boards.
No.3 in Australia
in Health Services & Support for full-time employment, learner engagement
(The Good Universities Guide 2024 (undergraduate))
Five stars
in Business & Management for learning resources.
(The Good Universities Guide 2024 (undergraduate), public SA-founded universities only)
No.1 in SA
in Business & Management for learning resources and overall educational experiences.
(The Good Universities Guide 2024 (undergraduate), public SA-founded universities only)
Our Courses
Our health administration postgraduate courses will enhance your understanding of health and aged care systems including leadership, financial management, operations management, safety and quality, health law, ethics, informatics and digital health.
You will have opportunities to apply these skills to your own work settings and policy environment.
For more information on our underlying approach to teaching and learning, and the capabilities we intend to assist our students to acquire or strengthen, please refer to the Statement of Graduate Attributes.
Credit for previous study
Credit may be granted for other formal postgraduate studies in health administration or similar relevant discipline. Credit is not normally granted for clinical studies.
Credit will be granted toward the Master of Health Administration if you have completed the Public Sector Management Program with a credit average result.
Recognition of prior learning for one elective topic may be sought for full completion (i.e. including assessment requirements) of one of the following short courses:
Credit agreements are in place for prior learning from the following courses:
International collaborations
Our global reach of health and aged care management extends across Asia, the Middle East, and beyond, with key partnerships in countries such as China, Singapore, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, and Nepal. These collaborations span both education and research domains.
I am now employed in the aged care industry. Mecwacare in Victoria has hired me as a Business Development Coordinator: a step in the door. Just four core units helped give me enough knowledge to prepare me for the interview. I would like to report that I have a sound understanding of the basics because of the study with you and have had no problem in understanding any of Mecwacare's information so far. The core subject of the Master degree has covered everything that I need for this job so far.
As a famous saying goes, time flies when you are enjoying yourself. Before coming to Australia, I was once a health administrator in a capital city of middle China. A dream coming back to university emerged in my mind. Flinders University gave me chance to fulfil my dream. It is hard to describe how excited I was when I received the offer.
Arthur, Walter, Mark, Angelita, to name just a few - their kind help benefited me a lot. Their spirits of pursuing excellence will inspire me to move forward forever. Their passion to serve students impressed me deeply.
Wherever I go and whatever I do in the future, I will never forget my respectable teachers. I will proudly make announcement to all my friends in China: Flinders University is an excellent institution where I fulfilled my dream.
I found my time as a student with Flinders University to be a great experience. The best aspects of studying for my master’s degree were working with other students from different backgrounds and learning from the fantastic academic staff and guest speakers.
I found studying challenging as I combined this with working and becoming a mother. The University was really supportive of me continuing my studies and allowed me to enrol for distance and cross institutional study.
I am putting my new theoretical knowledge into practice working in women's health as a nurse and midwife.
I gained the education needed to strengthen my skills through the outstanding professors in the Health Care Management department. Each one of the instructors is helpful and very knowledgeable in their subjects. The curriculum teaches you what you’re supposed to know to make each student an expert.
Flinders allowed me to explore my field in real life by offering many opportunities to engage with people in the same field, online discussions, debates with classmates, workshops and expert speakers. Research was also important and added to my career. I have grown as an individual in many ways.
This study overseas program gave me a more complete sense of individuality and a curiosity for the rest of the world, while eliminating much of the judgment and bias from my mindset that I had previously.
I began the Graduate Certificate in Health Administration having not studied for almost thirty years. I juggled full-time work and a family, and to my astonishment, my return to study experience was one of the best years of my life.
I enjoyed the blend of online and face to face learning and the support of other students in both those platforms. Equally, the lecturers and guest speakers provided relevant and real time information and I soon found myself immersed in the breadth of the course content.
My academic prize (and particular encouragement from Tiffany Carlin) inspired me to enrol mid-year and upgrade to the graduate diploma.
I enrolled in the Graduate Diploma in Health Administration when I was newly appointed to a team leader role. As I had only graduated from pharmacy school a few years beforehand, I felt the need to broaden my skills and experience.
Over the years, I have studied a wide variety of subjects, all of which have provided me with a far better understanding of the health sector and how I might be able to contribute to and work effectively within it. It was very satisfying to know that my studies directly benefited my workplace.
I attribute the successful completion of my Master of Health Administration in assisting me to develop my leadership qualities. I believe my continued on-going professional development has served as a catalyst for my ability to adopt and share ideas which have influenced my colleagues, by facilitating patient care based on best practice.
I believe in ongoing educational opportunities to gain and share knowledge and forge professional relationships and networks which provide a solid foundation for planning quality service improvements that benefit the patient, the nurse, the professional community and the public. I keep abreast of international and national research, trends and best practice models.
I have no doubt that I would not be in the position that I currently am without having participated and now completing masters study. I am part of a very exciting opportunity, redesigning how we deliver health care and leading staff at the Royal Adelaide Hospital to move into what will be the most state of the art hospital in Australia. This is certainly a once in a generational opportunity.
With the support and encouragement of Judith and Janny, I have a solid grounding in policy and strategy that has been invaluable in guiding my new career in the field of disability policy.
While I was studying many of my colleagues asked ‘what are you going to do with the degree when you finish?’ My answer was simple – I tried to apply the knowledge I acquired throughout the course to my daily work, not saving it for later.
Are you an allied health or nursing professional living and working in a rural area while you'll be studying?
You may be eligible for a scholarship through the Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (S.A.R.R.A.H).
Commonwealth supported places
Our short courses will give you a taste of postgraduate study in health administration.
Successful completion of the courses can lead to credit towards your future postgraduate study at Flinders.
Current students can also undertake some short courses as a way to fast track their postgraduate degree.
Study in Singapore or China
Study health administration and management in Asia through our teaching programs in Singapore and China.
Our offshore courses are run by our academic faculty, supplemented by visiting experts and local lecturers to ensure relevance of the teaching materials to the local context.
You can study Health Administration in Singapore through our partner organisation Executive Counselling and Training Academy (ECTA). The program is delivered by a combination of visiting academics from across Australia and local Singaporean teaching staff.
Enquiries from Singapore:
Mr Niyazuddin Mohammad
HOD Course Management
Executive Counselling and Training Academy Pte Ltd
Phone: +65 6346 6411
Enquiries from other countries including Australia:
Dr Madhan Balasubramanian, or Mrs Tiffany Carlin
Health Care Management
College of Business Government and Law
Flinders University
Phone: +61 8 8201 3300
The Flinders University Master of Hospital Administration (MHA) award has been taught in China in partnership with Nankai University since October 2003. The MHA is fully equivalent to the Master of Health Administration taught by Health Care Management on campus at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia.
Nankai University teaches basic MBA style business topics and Flinders teaches seven specialised health topics via intensive workshops. These topics are similar to the topics taught in Singapore and Australia.
The MHA provides students with a range of generic management skills as well as a deep understanding of issues facing hospital managers working in health systems abroad
and in China. The MHA program has successfully combined expertise from Nankai University staff and local experts in hospital management, with the experience of international visiting experts on health care management from Australia.
The program has also managed to blend Chinese and Western teaching methods. The use of adult learning methods and small group work to discuss management problems in the Chinese health system has been particularly successful.
The MHA is particularly relevant to hospital executives in China at a time when the country is facing major health system reforms. Chinese hospitals face significant challenges in the areas of financing, rural health, risk management and workforce development in the context of changing consumer expectations and rapidly evolving technological innovation.
Lectures are delivered in English and are translated by a translate with content knowledge. All teaching materials such as PowerPoints are translated into Chinese.
Enquiries from China:
Professor Liu Binglian, or Ms Zheng Ying
College of Economic and Social Development
Nankai University
Phone: 86-022-2350 6161
Enquiries from other countries including Australia:
Associate Professor Angie Shafei (Dean of Business)
Health Care Management
College of Business Government and Law
Flinders University
College of Business, Government and Law enquiries:
Phone: +61 8 8201 3300
Mrs Tiffany Carlin
Transnational Education Advisor
Phone: +61 8 8201 7757
Learn more about our global education opportunities through Flinders University's Transnational Education programs.
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