Flinders Microscopy and Microanalysis specialises in the analysis and characterisation of materials. Our unique suite of instruments provides high precision surface chemical and physical characterisation and excellent spatial resolution. We are enabling innovations in nanotechnology, characterisation, defence, health, earth and environmental systems, mining, and advanced manufacturing, and we have a crucial role in advancing research and Australian business in collaboration with national facilities.
To make an instrument booking please log into EZbooking and follow the guide or contact us to make an enquiry at microscopy@flinders.edu.au.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) uses a beam of electrons to image to a much higher resolution than is possible with an optical microscope. High resolution SEM of samples can be combined with elemental mapping using Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). An Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) detector is also installed allowing measurements of grain orientation and boundaries in crystalline samples.
FEI Inspect F50
In person training to be completed with relevant staff, complemented by online modules through MyScope.
The NanoESCA III Photoemission Electron Microscope (PEEM) images surfaces by focussing and detecting electrons emitted from a material following irradiation with UV and X-ray light. The primary capabilities include spatial mapping of the surface morphology, elemental and chemical compositions and the electron band-structure of the materials.
Hg Lamp : 4.9-5.2 eV
HIS14 HD VUV: He(I/II) 21.22 / 40.80 eV
XR6 X-ray (monochromated Al Kα): 1486.7 eV
PEEM energy-filtered imaging (<50 nm)
XPEEM imaging (~50 nm)
Small-spot XPS and UPS (~500 nm to 200 µm)
Momentum Microscopy (MM)
Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (µARPES)
Sample temperatures in the range 20-400 K.
Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED)
Sample cleaning through ion sputtering
Crystal cleaving in-vacuo
Manipulator heating/cooling (120-880 K)
Crystal cleaving in-vacuo
Manipulator heating/cooling (120-880 K)
The Scienta Omicron Variable Temperature UHV SPM (VT AFM XA) is used to gain atomic resolution images of sample surfaces providing insight into surface morphology, topology, and the surface density of states at a range of temperatures (20K – 500K). Tips and samples are exchanged under UHV using the transfer arm and carousel. The instrument is connected the PEEM sample preparation chamber and can be used independently or in preparation for PEEM measurements.
Scienta Omicron VT AFM XA
UHV Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
UHV Non Contact Force Microscopy (NCAFM)
UHV Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) (<1pA – 330nA)
UHV Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy (STS) (<1pA – 330nA)
As per the Photoemission Electron Microscope.
Two sputter coaters are available for use. A single target unit is dedicated to sputtering samples for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. There is also a dual target sputtering system that is fully automatic, ideally suited for multilayer thin film applications. A range of metals including gold, silver, platinum, titanium and chromium are available.
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
The instrument allows for applying four different electron spectroscopy techniques; each technique can be applied independently. Metastable Induced Electron Spectroscopy (MIES) is a technique that is exclusively surface sensitive. This technique probes the valence orbitals of only the outermost layer of atoms, allowing for the determination of molecule orientation. This technique can be paired with three more electron spectroscopy techniques probing occupied and unoccupied states at various depth: Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS), Inverse Photemission Spectroscopy (IPES) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS).
Custom built in collaboration with SPECS.
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
Funded by Microscopy Australia and the Australian National Fabrication Facility
Neutral Impact Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (NICISS) allows for depth profiling of a sample. This technique gives an elemental concentration profile to a depth of 10-40 nanometres, with a depth resolution close to 0.3 nm near the surface. NICISS can be applied to solid samples, polymers and liquids.
Custom built in collaboration with SPECS.
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
Funded by the Australian National Fabrication Facility
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is used to gain topographic information on a sample. Our AFM facilities are also able to map sample conductivity on the nanoscale, characterise stiffness and adhesion in air and fluid environments, and monitor dynamic changes in surfaces with our fast-scanning AFM, which is capable of acquiring images over 100 times faster than a conventional AFM.
Multimode 8 AFM with Nanoscope V controller
Dimension FastScan AFM with Nanoscope V controller
In person training to be completed with relevant staff, complemented by online modules through MyScope, instructional training videos and tests.
Instrument Leader: Dr Pankaj Sharma
Our labs are equipped with two confocal Raman microscopes capable of acquiring single Raman spectra—and also confocal Raman—imaging. The maximum possible lateral resolution for confocal Raman images at the laser excitation wavelength of 532 nm is approximately 360 nm. Several excitation wavelengths are available, including 532, 632 and 785 nm. A selection of gratings is also available from 600 grooves/mm up to 2400 grooves/mm.
Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) combines a surface probe with Raman spectroscopy, allowing for chemical mapping of a surface down to a few tens of nanometres. The laser excitation wavelength is 532 nm.
Witec alpha300R confocal Raman microscope (2008)
Witec alpha300RAS Raman microscope (2022)
XplorRA Horiba Scientific confocal Raman microscope
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
For the Witec alpha300R confocal Raman microscope and Witec alpha300RAS Raman microscope please contact Dr Ula Alexander
For the XplorRA Horiba Scientific confocal Raman microscope and TERS please contact Dr. Jason Gascooke
Instrument Leader: Dr Sara Miller
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is a characterization technique used for examining the crystal structure of all materials. The instrument is a Bragg-Brentano geometry X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) with a cobalt X-ray source. It is ideal for qualitative phase identification, quantitative phase analysis and the determination of crystal structure. The cobalt source allows this instrument to accurately analyse high iron content samples. In addition to this, the instrument is equipped with a capillary stage for the measurement of a very small amount of sample. It is also useful for spinning samples that have issues due to high absorbances or texture effects. Data analysis capabilities for XRD include the use of the ICDD PDF-2 Database, DIFFRAC. EVA Software for phase identification as well as the Topas software package (Rietveld refinement method) for crystal structure determination and quantitative phase analysis.
Bruker D8 Advance Eco
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
To understand properties of materials and reactions at surfaces, we complement our spectromicroscopy data with ab initio simulations using high-performance computing together with a suite of theoretical methods. Extensive developments in density functional theory (DFT), many-electron wave function theory and graphics processing unit (GPU) technology have made it possible to accurately predict bulk crystal structures and surface morphologies.
The Scanning Auger Nanoprobe is one of only two in Australia and is able to map chemical information across a surface. This instrument combines microscopy with the ability to determine elemental composition, resulting the analysis of surface chemistry with a spatial resolution of 10 nanometres.
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
The VERTEX 80v is a highly-equipped FTIR which can be used to identify organic, polymeric, and inorganic materials. Infrared light is used to scan test samples, producing spectra containing molecular ‘fingerprints’. The VERTEX 80v is an evacuated optics bench, allowing for the elimination of atmospheric moisture from spectra for ultimate sensitivity.
Special features of this instrument include an extended wavelength range from near- to far-IR, multiple detectors (ATR, integrating sphere, and others) for measuring a range of solid/powder/liquid samples, and ultra-high vacuum compatibility with the MIES instrument for performing in situ IR reflectance measurements.
Bruker VERTEX 80v
In situ UHV-compatible
In person training to be completed with relevant staff.
The large-volume micro-CT scanner will allow 3D scanning of large and heavy samples. This includes whole machine parts, human and animal limbs or segments, biomaterials, prosthesis devices, large animals and vertebrates, fossils and plant root systems for research and industrial applications. This allows experimental testing rigs, such as mechanical stages or environmental chambers, to be placed inside the scanner (in situ testing), for testing samples while scanning.
Nikon XT H 225ST CT Scanner
The following mechanical testing stages are available for use with the micro-CT system, allowing tensile and compressive loading of the specimen while scanning:
An in house-built stage (20kN load cell)
A customised stage (5kN load cell, Deben CT5000N)
Please contact staff below.
All users of our equipment must be trained by our staff. Before booking, please get in touch about your requirements and arrange a time to complete the relevant training. Once you are an authorised and trained user, you may go ahead and book the equipment using the links.
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