From apps empowering patients to have more control over their own health to the use of augmented reality in patient care, Flinders University researchers are using new technology to drive smarter healthcare delivery.
Australia’s healthcare system may be the “envy of the world” as stated by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, but it’s not without its issues. Australia is spending around $3 billion each year on anticancer medications, emergency departments across the country are struggling with overcrowding and ramping, and health care systems are threatened by information overload and workforce inefficiency issues.
Flinders University researchers are embracing technological advancements, improving how healthcare is provided.
This can be seen in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) which helps create a more efficient workplace which in turn then frees up healthcare workers, allowing them to spend more time with patients. New apps are also empowering patients to have more control over their own health and stay out of hospital, and augmented reality is changing the way patient care is delivered.
One important technological change is allowing patients to take control of their own health which minimises unnecessary hospital admissions.
As emergency departments across Australia struggle with overcrowding and ramping, alternative virtual Emergency Departments (ED’s) are helping to reduce the number of people presenting to hospital. From the comfort of home, patients can speak to a specialist emergency doctor via a phone or video chat and get the care they need.
Flinders University is leading six research teams across Australia to compare the outcomes of these Virtual ED’s across five states. Flinders’ Professor Jonathan Karnon is investigating which methods work best and how they can be improved. He’s also working to identify how this system can help with patient movement between regional and metropolitan hospitals.
Health care systems are threatened by information overload and workforce inefficiency issues. To combat this, and ensure that nurses and doctors are not caught up with excessive administrative tasks, an automated workflow solutions system for major health care facilities has been designed by Flinders’ Digital Health Research Lab, working in partnership with Australia’s Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre and SA Health. This new system enables a seamless healthcare experience for both patients and health providers.
This collaborative team is also developing personal assistant solutions delivered in convenient apps. These personal assistant apps can frequently check on users and provide guidance on how to best manage their health effectively.
Thanks to the data researchers can now collect from these apps, tiny life changes made by users can have a significant impact in diabetes, liver health and mental health assistance.
More than 135,000 Australians undergo treatment with anticancer medications each year, costing about $3 billion. While this treatment has significant survival benefits, up to 90 per cent of patients experience some adverse effects, from minor to life-threatening – which adds up to about 30,000 hospitalisations each year, costing about $154 million.
Flinders University research projects are evaluating the feasibility and impact of introducing remote symptom monitoring (RSM) technology to South Australian cancer patients and cardiac patients who are fitted with a pacemaker or defibrillator.
Unplanned admissions to hospitals for cancer patients can be significantly reduced with the use of RSM technologies which allows patients to report their symptoms digitally and receive real-time feedback.
Almost 140 million people around the world have persistent Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), triggering problematic inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour which affects day to day life, from study to work life. More people have ADHD symptoms - yet only one in four people get diagnosed and receive treatment.
Flinders Digital Health researchers are working with digital health technology provider goAct to develop a mobile self-monitoring app that will help adults with ADHD take a more pro-active role in leading their best life.
This project fills gaps in existing ADHD care and empowers individual customers to manage their own affairs by providing private and secure online solutions.
Professor Niranjan Bidargaddi, co-director of the Flinders Digital Health Research Centre, says self-monitoring health tools can significantly enhance future ADHD care services by providing more accessible assessment and treatment pathways that actively involve consumers in their mental health care plan.
“Awareness of adult ADHD has increased over time, but many barriers persist, and many go undiagnosed while only about one in four people who do receive a diagnosis receive treatment,” says Flinders’ Dr Bronwin Patrickson.
Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) have difficulty learning and performing movements that often require increased discussions between caregivers and clinicians.
To help their rehabilitation, Flinders researchers have collaborated with paediatric clinicians, young learners, and caregivers to develop an ingenious technological solution – a specific therapeutic gaming console that combines fun activities with health benefits.
This prototype system, which includes games that help teach motor skills for children with DCD, has been designed in collaboration with both experts and the people who will use the console, for a result that best suits children with DCD.
The success of this prototype could pave the way for commercial application of such a device that can be introduced into health care, representing a perfect example of people working with technology to deliver greater health benefits.
The diversity and success of these healthcare technology developments provides yet more examples of Flinders University research making lives better.
- Bronwin Patrickson
Senior Research Fellow in Digital Health, Flinders University
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